
Goodbye, welcome!

Goodbye 2007..... I wish you well!

Welcome to 2008! Hope it doesnt give me hell.. LOL

2007 Finishes


New Start

I'm really excited. I started on a new design last night! See I'm currently working on a BAP model for a designer. And I really needed to start something small, as I need to show my WIP pictures... need the inspiration of course... LOL When I chat with Vickie at night, she is always saying that she is chatting and stitching at the same time, so I need something small to allow for me to stitch and chat. Go me!

Its a small snowman design from the 2007 JCS Christmas Ornament issue. The one from SamSarah, called Winter Love. Its just too cute!


Effin Snow!!

Ok... I'm starting a countdown for Summer!!!

Dang that's a long time yet!!

Here we are... into what.. the 6 day of the season of Winter. And I'm so SICK of the snow!..LOL

We got about 2 inches, and I had a max of 40 mph coming home from work. Man oh man the idiots out driving!! I was making a right turn, directional light blinking on the passenger side. There was truck coming from the left, so I thought I would wait. But the truck signaled to turn left down the road. The a$$ behind me comes to my left, I'm thinking the person is going to turn left to go to Michigan. Nope, the jerk creeped up along side me, and turn to the RIGHT, as I was going to turn myself. A$$!

I'm so ready for summer!!


SBQ Dec 19th & @ 26th

Gosh, where has the time gone, I actually missed two questions! So here they are...

This week's SBQ was suggested by Kathryn and is:

Have you ever helped anyone else learn to stitch? Have you ever helped anyone learn a new stitch or technique?

Yes, this question is similar to the one just asked not long ago.. here is my response to that question.

I dont think I have taught anyone else to learn a new stitch or technique. But I have shown a few people how to make a french knot my way.. but I wouldnt say I was teaching them.


This week's SBQ is:

Did you receive any stitching-related gifts for the holidays?

Yep... got a 8" & a 11" QSnap... its what I asked for, and was graced with its apperance. :D Thanks Lisa (my SIL)!


Christmas Day 2007

Our My day started at 7:40am, when my sister announced that she should get the girls up.. LOL (Don't know who was more excited, my sister or the girls?!) This is how Brian looked this morning watching the girls open their presents.. he sure was interested... wasn't he?! LOL

Kaylee and Natalie woke up to find the presents under the tree, and their cookies and milk gone, and a new card in its place. We placed them in their chairs, and then started handing out the presents. Man oh man.. if it only took the same amount of time to wrap them, as it took to open their presents.. would be done in no time!

They got some nice gifts, and Natalie got what she wanted... Christmas Barbie!! They got a kitchen (that Aunt Kim had to assemble), a shopping cart, oodles of clothes, Natalie got a Leap Frog, Kaylee got a My Little Pony interacting horse....etc... They sure left a mess when they were thru!

We had my side of the family get together this morning. We met at the town hall, as we need all the room we can get with our growing family. We were able to snap some photos of the kids before they got to open their presents.

Saturday night, I took Natalie and Kaylee shopping... had to finish my shopping. It was alot of fun. Natalie actually chose her Christmas gift. I had asked if she knew if Katie, her cousin, had this Barbie Bed and Breakfast set... no she didn't, but Natalie sure liked it. So I said.. ok, I will get it for Katie. The whole time I was wrapping presents, of course Nat had to help... Nat was thinking it was Katie's present. I got her good! She went to open her gift, and I said to her. Guess what.. you got to pick out your own gift. How cool was that! The look on her face was priceless, and we both started laughing!! HE HE

Well, Brian didn't get his clown shoes or green jeans. He was so slow to open his gift it was funny! But he was like a little kid when he found out what was actually inside. He received his necklace that he has wanted now for over a month! I called the store where he had seen it, and had it mailed to my sister for the exchange gift for him. Worked out great! He also received 2 zipper hooded sweatshirts.

What did I get you ask!?! I received a 8" & a 11" QSnaps and a $25 Gift Card to WalMart! Such a nice Christmas! Hard to believe its over!!

The picture to the right is all the kids with their new hand knitted sweaters that my Mom made for each kids. Natalie received Dora. Katie and Kaylee both got a Hello Kitty sweater, and of course Conway got a Firetruck sweater! They were all adorable!!


Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Here we are a few minutes away from the big day!! The girls (my nieces, Natalie and Kaylee) have gone to bed.. all the presents are wrapped!! The milk and cookies and letters to Santa are under the tree.

And here Brian and I are waiting for a while for it to be safe to put the presents under the tree!!

And Brian is anxiously waiting to find out what he got for a present.. the standing joke of green jeans and clown shoes are making him go nutts ... as that is what he thinks he is getting for an exchange gift!! Talk about a BIG KID!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!! Off to put out the presents!


Happy 2nd Birthday to the KayleeMaizer!

Yep... Kaylee is two!! Dec 19th

And to send off her 1 yr old years..... this evening she stuck a crayon up her nose, and sent herself to the E.R.! Thats my girl! LOL, she even called to tell me!! Too cute!

Happy 2nd Kaylee!! Love you oddles! Aunt Kim & Uncle Brian.

Kim's Christmas Must Have(s)

Ok, I gotta start out by saying, THANK YOU to the ones that left a gift under my tree in the post below. I had seen it while looking for something festive for my MySpace... and I thought I would try the tree here. Thanks for the presents... geez, too bad they werent real!!

Ok, on with the post.

Two weeks ago, I had gone grocery shopping, and while spending way to much $$ browsing, I saw some liquid coffee creamer - Peppermint Mocha. Its almost gone.. gosh, I can just drink and drink the stuff. Then tonight, I had to run in and get a few things spent way too much again. I was looking for more of the creamer, but I couldnt find any. But the Gingerbread creamer found my cart!! Had a cup... YUMMY!! And wanna know something.. Im not even a coffee drinker.... I think Im being converted though!!

I wanted to get my coworkers something, so I got them each a coffee mug, placed some Hot Chocolate packets, a candle and holder inside the cup. And of course had to put the chocolate inside! So, I picked up a bag of Hershey - Cherry Cordial Creme' Kisses! Talk about heaven! And since taking a picture, those front kisses are missing... found their wait to Brian's mouth! There, I gave him Kisses without any effort!...LOL

And of course.. the Candy Canes!!


Santa Baby...Santa Dear

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Baptism, Christmas Program, Birthday Party.... Oh MY!

If you didnt know, the DH and I went down this past weekend to visit my family. About 1.5 months ago, we were invited down to see Natalie's first church Christmas program, which was this past Sunday.

We went down on Saturday, and its a good thing we did. I had gotten a call last week, that the baptism for Lindsey was going to be on Sunday. And about month ago, my sister decided to have a bday party for Kaylee. Which worked out great, since we were going to be down there for the weekend.

Natalie is in the red oval.

So, it was 8:15am service for the baptism, 10:30am service for Natalie's Christmas program, and then 5pm for Kaylee's bday party. Was a long fun day!

Kaylee was really cute at her bday party. It came to the time to open her gifts. The table was too high for her to sit in a chair and open. So we started her off at sitting on the table. But funny thing happen, she got a little Dora chair as a gift, so we put her in the chair.
Too cute!

Can't wait to see all the kids again.... it is the 23rd yet?!?!

If you remember, I became an (5x) Aunt ....

Well, here is a picture of Lindsey Rose. She is 33 days old here. What a FULL head of hair!

I became her Godmother on Sunday. Just finally having the chance to post a picture.

SBQ - Dec 12th

Today's SBQ was suggested by Nancy and is:

Do you do anything special to your threads before putting them through your fabric to make them more manageable?

When I cut my floss, I cut it between 18" - 20". And for each strand of floss, what I do is, I pull it out separately. This I have found, doesn't tangle or get knotted as much.

When I use over dyed floss, I do use Thread Heaven. Don't know why I do, but I do.. LOL Regular DMC floss I don't use it on.


Now what!!

On the way home from a Christmas party that I was volunteering at... I heard this sounds - and thought that I blew a tire. Just barely steered it to the right to get it off the road.

Got out and this is what my front driver wheel looked like. Crap! Had to call a tow truck to come and haul it away. The driver said it looked to be the control arm and ball joint. Hope it doesn't cost a small fortune!!


Furry Fruit Bowl - Finish

Here is another model that I have done for Debbie Draper Designs. This is called "Furry Fruit Bowl", stitched on 28ct White Jobelan, with DMC colors suggested on pattern.

If you would like to purchase the order, you can find it .... here.


SBQ - December 5th

Today's SBQ was suggested by Nancy and is:

What tips would you give to a new stitcher to help her stitch faster and neater while still keeping it enjoyable?

Well, one thing I would say is neatness makes it all the better! I did *try* teaching my neighbor, and well, she starting putting her stitches any which way.. and it just made me want to claw my eyes out! I did give her the pep talk, but nope, so I threw in the towel.

As far as stitching faster, it will come in time. Practice, practice, and more practice!

Baking cookies

I'm sorry to say, but you just missed her.. who you ask?! Betty Crocker wanna-be just left! And of course she even did my dishes for me. Who the heck is this BC lady!? Well its ME!

I was told informed that I needed to have 1 dozen of a variety of 3 different cookies by Friday. My first thought.. humm, wonder if MIL would do this for me. Nope, that's out. She fell on Monday and broke her pelvis bone. Ok.... lets see, my next day off is Wednesday, and they need to be in by Friday... wait a minute.. I have to work Friday at the nursing home, and Thursday, I have work at my fun job, which is where I need to take the cookies. So, that makes for it TODAY!

Flipped a coin. Yep, I was nominated to make my own cookies today.. LOL You see.. I'm one of those, go to the store and buy them. Scraping off the "Oreo" on the cookie is my thing! (IM KIDDING!!). So, making cookies is a BIG deal for me!

It all started on Monday night, when I went thru the cupboards to see what I had and needed. Well, since I'm baking cookies all the time lazy at making home made cookies, I pretty much needed everything! So, I had an email sent me me (THANKS Michelle!) and I started going thru the different recipes. I decided on Peanut Butter Blossom (the one with the Hershey kiss), Gumdrop, and Oatmeal Scotchies. The Peanut Butter Blossom, and the Oatmeal Scotches, I got the recipe off the back of their bags. The Gumdrop cookies, I got the recipe here. The PBB cookies, are too cute! I made the mistake of picking up a mini bag of kisses, so they are between the size of a chocolate chip, and a full size Hershey Kiss.

Everything went WELL!! I haven't used my oven in awhile, and I didn't smoke the house... smoke detector never went off.. Thank God! Everything ran smoothly!

Guess what.. I wanna make more cookies in the future.. future I mean.. next week/month... soon!

Reason I'm making them... my fun job is hosting a Christmas party for the low income families on Monday, and I was asked if I could bring 3 varieties of cookies, a dozen each. So, since I'm going away this weekend, I needed to do them today, and have them ready for tomorrow.

I did have one mishap.... and it wasn't my fault... I will blame the Oatmeal Scotchies... as I was stirring up the final dough. My wooden spoon broke in half!! I thought they only broke when you got hit on the butt?! LOL

What is sad... Ive been listening to Christmas music for the past 4 hrs ... and still not convinced to put up our tree..LOL
Anyone want a cookie!?! I have a total of 12 dozen cookies looking at me... of course 4.5 dozens is for the Christmas party. Well, then I have less than that, since its called "test what you're baking, expirement".. how else could I find out if the cookies were good.. LOL

Inspirations WIP 12/04/07

This might be the last time you see a progress of this WIP. I had to take it off the QSnaps (*hint to my Secret Santa - need more 11" QSnaps.. LOL*) to make room for the model I received today to stitch.

And the size of the model, its going to be awhile before Inspirations has an appointment with a needle.

I have been enjoying this WIP, but it was time to move on to something different.

SFE Received

I received word that Debra has received her SFE that I made for her. Her theme was 4th of July. So I went patriotic!

I had this design stitched up for awhile, and decided to make it into a pillow for her.


Holiday Greeting

Wishing you a blessed Holiday Season..
Remember the real season of CHRISTmas!

From our house to yours...

Merry Christmas, and a Blessed New Year!


Snowed in at ......


Yep, I'm here, snowed in here at work in the lovely Northwoods, 35 miles from home. There is about 6+ inches out there... and there is suppose to be more overnight, with up to 12 inches.

DH called about 8pm, to tell me to stay here overnight! So here I am.. on the computer looking for something to do.. installing Yahoo messenger, but its taking forever.

Didn't come prepared.. so I will find some extra clothes and sleep in them over night, and I will have to work a full day tomorrow.

The joys of winter!!