
Weekend update

Gosh, where do the weekends go....

Yesterday I had to work at the quilt shop. It was a good time there. I picked out fabric I wanted to use for the table runner I need to design for the quilt shop hop that is going on at the beginning of May. I decided to go with a patriotic table runner.

I got home last night about 4:30pm and by 5:30, I was in bed. I was tired! Brian woke me up at 10pm, was wondering if I wanted to get up.. LOL So I did. I was kinda groogy, but it wasnt too much later, and I was WIDE awake. I actually seen it start to get light out in the morning.. I finally crawled into bed about 6:15 am this morning! I was back up about 10:30am.

So far today I have ran an errand, worked on 2 QSnap Hugger orders, and I worked on the table runner. So I thought I would show what I was working on.. I LOVE the colors, of course the picture does not do the colors justice!

Off to stitch!


Yea! It Came!

My Easter present came today.. Im one happy girl!

I love this movie! I had sent this movie home with a coworker, she then sent it back to Netflix. And she too loved it! Even her husband did too!!

I already have the movie in the portable DVD player!

SBQ - March 26th

This week's SBQ is:

When you stitch a pattern that you have downloaded do you print out the pattern or do you stitch directly from your computer screen?

Yep, I print out the pattern. I need it to be portable. But there are a couple of times where I have just sat with my laptop, and stitched from the screen. But mostly its via printed out chart.


Christmas Heart La D Da FINISH

Earlier this evening I was looking thru my charts I have put aside to stitch for a challenge or for myself, and I thought to myself, wait a minute. Told Brian to look at the calendar and I said, "When is the 1st?" Next week Tuesday. Eek! I havent even stitched my monthly Christmas ornament, yet.

So I pulled out an easy one! Here is "Christmas Heart" from La D Da from the 2005 JCS Ornament issue. I stitched it over 1 on a piece of 28ct yellow dyed linen remant I had on hand. I love how it turned out! Its stitched with DMC floss. Its so cute! It took me about 3 hrs to stitch this design.

Paper Whites WIP

Here is my WIP of Paper Whites from Little House Needleworks that Im stitching. Im participating in the LHN/CCN Spring SAL. I selected Paper Whites to stitch.

Will get back to the Lizzie Kate Double Flips that Im working (progress so far). I finally got the next installment of charts to stitch. WOOHOO!!

Also, kitted up another Lizzie Kate design - 2 Teach for my niece's end of the year gift to her teacher.

Also kitted up a SFE I need to work on.


Happy Easter

I just wanted to say, Happy Easter to all my blogging friends, thanks for taking the time to stop by, and to those that leave a comment. THANK YOU!

Im off to bed, I had to work 11 hrs today, and Im dead tired. I stayed up too late. I fell in love with a movie, and I had watched it 3 times in the past two nights. I sent it off to a coworker today, and she was going to mail it back to Netflix from her house. Brian and I were talking, and well, I got a Easter present! I have Dan in Real Life coming tomorrow via mail (thank you eBay, and Brian!!)!! I get my OWN copy! Im going to wear it out!! I ♥ Steve Carell!! The music in this movie is making me want to go out and get the soundtrack!

Plan to be surprised.


Snapperville is now CONSTRUCTED.. Finished!

I told a very good online friend the other day, that I doubt I would get Snapperville finished by the end of the month.. boy am I eating my words now!!

I put in my last stitch this evening. I LOVE how it turned out! Its tooo fricken cute!

Ive wanted to stitch this since I first seen it.... but never got around to it. Well earlier in the year, the challenge was up out to stitch a "Series SAL".. well I thought, heck, I think I will start Snapperville. And then a SAL was started on the Bent Creek Yahoo group, so I was able to use the Snapperville for that challenge too. Great motivation!

I didnt have the right color fabric that just spoke to me. So I was chatting with my online friend, and she mentioned that she could dye some fabric for me. So I took her up on the offer. She dyed the fabric to exactly the color I wanted! Its a light taupe color, and I LOVED it. Thanks Vickie!

I stitched Snapperville on 32ct over 2 with DMC floss. Awhile back I had see someone have a finish of their Snapperville, and I LOVED it. So I *copied* their style, and created it on mine. The orginal saying on the Snapperville border was "Teach us... that we may feel the importance of every day of every hour as it passes." Well, I took the idea I had seen and used it. So now my phrase says... "North or South East or West Farm or Town Home is Best" If you look between South and East, I stitched a compase with the North and south points indicated.

It still needs to have the snaps and buttons put on. I do plan on getting it framed, and it will be going somewhere around the house.

The Stockyard - Snapperville FINISHED

The other night, I was able to finish up on The Stockyard, was too lazy to post a picture.. LOL So here it is... stay tuned... exciting news!!


Im saving my $$

I love the Favre $$ I got today!!


Barnyard Snapperville FINISHED

Im enjoying the weekend, worked on a quilt project yesterday, mostly involved alot of math. Will work on it alittle bit more this afternoon, but I cant share pictures :(.

Then last night I built a barn, watched a horse be born, planted a tree, and hung the moon. Here is the results! Barnyard, my 5th block of 6, of the Snapperville series. I do have more of the border done on the far right, but will take an updated pic when I take it off the QSnap to move it.


National Quilting Day - March 15th

Whether you celebrate with your quilting friends or alone, take time to reflect on the rich traditions of quiltmaking and the contributions to family and community made by quiltmakers for many generations.

Im spending it working on a quilted cross stitch wallhanging. How are you spending it?!


Town Hall Snapperville FINISH

I started this the other night, but then I had to close down yesterday for sickness (which Im feeling much much better). I finished Town Hall, apart of Snapperville, from Bent Creek, this afternoon.

Here is a progress pic of the whole Snapperville series. My goal is to have it finished by the end of the month, or the town chairman is going to be upset.. LOL

Main Street Snapperville FINISHED

I actually had this finished the other day, but just was lazy to post. Here is Main Street, apart of Snapperville from Bent Creek. This block took a little bit.


Ok, since I was alittle girl, Im talking about less than 3 yrs old, Ive had a fear of clowns, and still do. And today I was looking thru the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel online, and I had the jeeper creepers scared out of me. Wouldnt this scare you too?!

You will have to click on the picture to see it, as I dont want to see it.. LOL

The picture is from announcing The Great Circus parade to be held in Milwaukee in July.


I'll Have What Their Having

Yep, I got it! Need no dr appt to prove it. Keep the bathroom clear at anytime. I may need to go ASAP to the second..LOL

Slept great, alarm clock went off.. and then it came like water. Called into work, told my Supervisor that I wasnt chancing it... told her my symptoms. Yep, I got it.

It was spreading around the nursing home like wildfire, and Im not surprised I got it. What your asking... I got the Norovirus. Like the part towards the end... Persons who work in nursing homes, take care of patients, or handle food should stay out of work until at least three days after symptoms end. And I *have* to work Friday.. LOL

Off to be sick....


My new ride

I have to laugh, cause I got an email from a dear online friend asking me about the previous picture of the new ride I got.. and she asked where was the snow, but then she said she read further.. LOL So.. here is a picture of my new Explorer. EXCUSE the snow and the salt on the truck. Honest it was washed on Tuesday.. thats what happens when you drive around here..LOL


Cow - Bent Creek FINISH!

I finished up this cow while playing Pogo bingo today.

Its the cow from the "Cow" design from Bent Creek. I just needed to stitch a cow, so I selected this one. Its stitched on 28ct Misty Blue evenweave, with DMC. Not sure how Im going to finish it yet.. just wanted to have it done. :)

So Moo!

Saying Goodbye to Brett Favre

Just waiting for the press conference of Brett Favre announcing his retirement. Check out the Packer's homepage. Im also watching the press conference of his announcement on the Packer's homepage.


SBQ - March 5th

This week's SBQ is:

After you stitch a pattern or kit, what do you do with it?

Im sad to say, I keep my charts. Some day, Brian can make $1000's off of me..LOL


My New... zoom zoom!

Picture this scenario...
2pm ~ Brian - "Look at your gauge, its almost on 'H'" Pull into a parking stall. Get out, and all of a sudden there is steam coming out from under the hood. And a hissing sound. Get on the phone and call for a tow truck. My Mom had to come and pick us up... Brian, Amy, Nat & Kaylee and myself. ... figured it all depended on the estimate what we were going to do..
3:30p ~Fast forward to .... "Aunt Kim, you were crying" from my 2yr old niece, Kaylee (bless her heart)....
4:45pm ~ Fast forward to being told the problem on the truck... something, something with the engine (lower head gasket).... something something.... going to be $700+.
5pm ~ Scott (DB) & I going to mechanic to find out exactly the problem. Off to the pay for the towing bill - $122.
5:10pm ~ at the bank, seeing if I can borrow some $$$, find out my credit score, which I found shocking! Its extremely good!!! Went back to the mechanic to pick up my truck, and drove it home.. it was loaded up with antifreeze.
6pm ~ call dealership where I got my truck 8 yrs ago. Find out they are open till 8pm. Off we go.....

Just before 8pm, I drove home with this........

Went back today and financed it thru the dealership. And drove it home the 130 mile trip!

Its a '04 Ford Explorer! Only 60 payments to make, and its mine..LOL

I had to find a picture on the net, since its was too dark to take a picture. Its exactly like the picture, but with different brand of tires. Just picture snow instead of grass. But I will get a proper picture up when I get the chance.

Aunt Kim is home!

Wow, what a weekend! Gone for 4 days visiting the family! Have some awesome news, and then ofcourse the sad news (Brett).