Umm its what.. April 22, known as Earth Day!.. and what did it do today.. it was snowing here! It did manage to get up to 57 degrees, but its almost 8pm, and its already 29 degrees! And the coming forecast doesn't look to promising.. going to be in the mid 40's thru Wednesday, atleast.
Well I spent Earth Day, by going grocery shopping, and bumming with Lia(my future SIL, whom I'm the matron of honor for in her wedding on June 10th). Lia and I left about 9am, and I didn't get home till about 3:30, since I had to unpack all Lia's groceries, that could feed an army for a year! That girl can shop! We went to Rhinelander, decided since we both had not eaten that we would go for lunch. We ate at Country Kitchen, haven't eaten at one of those in a while. Lately the drive up at McDonalds or Burger King is my dinner out. LOL It was fun just to talk.. (like we didn't do it the whole way there and back, and in between.. LOL) We went over to the bridal shop, where her dress is being hemmed. Oh wow, saw some of the prom dresses there. Some of the colors are well, different. One dress was I would call it tangerine, and one was a lite lime green color. I had asked Lia if it was ok to go over to a craft store, cause I had heard about it from a coworker. Well I bought some more DMC that I didn't have, and a cute cross stitch pattern from Precious Moments (the boy is a firefighter, humm I wonder who I will be stitching that for.. times 3 actually). Then we did the grocery shopping. That was the fun part. I with my single cart do my shopping.. and here comes Lia with her double shopping cart LOADED. It took about 20 minutes just to pack my truck with her groceries. But we always have fun grocery shopping. :)
Then we headed over to WalMart.. well... I have to say. I spent to much!.. LOL I did manage to get the one thing I went there for. The rest of the netting for the fence for our garden. I have a habit to find the clearance in all the stores, and well.. I need this, I need this. Into the cart it goes. I bought a new mini stereo system for our bedroom, cause the one wasn't working right. Bought some food and soda, and Brian's cup holder for his bike, and other odds and ends. But I did buy an item, that I thought was suppose to be something different. GRRRR! I paid alot of money for it, but I'm debating whether to take it back, or keep it. I was thinking I was buying one of those DVD players that you can use in your vehicle. I thought I would buy it for road trips, and for camping. Well come to find out it was a 7" LCD monitor, that you can use to plug a DVD, VCR or game system into. GRRR! So I'm still deciding what to do with it. Oh, I also bought the Joel Osteen audio book on CD, called "Your Best Life Now".
Came home put away the groceries, and setup the stereo. Did some stitching before making some dinner. And here I am now.. LOL Well I think the needle is calling me. :)
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