
LNS ~ The Stitching Bee

Since we have nothing up here in the form of LNS (local needle shop ~ a cross stitching term). I had a thought...

On our way home from Winchester, I had asked Brian if it was ok with him, when we went home, if we could go thru Green Bay, cause there is a cross stitching store, I wanted to visit. He said I could. We got up to GB, I knew the shop was on the west side of the hwy. Well I guess it was a well kept secret, cause we went past it 4 times in our search.. LOL

Once we found the shop... it was well worth it! Brian was so excited that he even went inside with me. The shop is in a house. Very cute place. There was finished projects every where! I found myself thinking, gosh I have that pattern, and I have that one.. and that one... LOL

Kendra, the owner was there. So I got to visit with her awhile. Very nice lady! Very helpful in my search of a pattern.

Another reason I wanted to stop, is cause I wanted to pick up the latest Lizzie*Kate charts that just came out last week. Well I guess we got there at a good time, cause the charts had just come in that day! I picked up .. the stamps for August, Septmeber, October, and November. Here Comes Santa Claus '05 chart, 1st Christmas, and Tiny Tidings X. I love them all!

I hope to get back to The Stitching Bee in the future! Need to increase my stash.. saw some charts I would love to get my hands on!.. LOL

Here is the website address for The Stitching Bee.. if happen to be in the GB area, stop in Kendra is a very nice shop owner. http://www.stitching-bee.com/

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