
Adopted Log Cabin Quilt

I almost forgot to post that when I was at class last Thursday, I pretty much had nothing to do (since I had to buy more material for the border for my log cabin quilt (which I still need to buy more for.. LOL)), so Laurie Jean & I were talking, and I said that if she had anything for me to do, I would do it. And I even mentioned her Log Cabin quilt if she wanted me to sew the blocks together. Well her look on her face was YES! Well I worked on the blocks during the class, and then I brought them home and worked on them here. I got as far as I could with the materials I came home with. I worked on 28 blocks (she did have about 3 logs and the center already on the block, so I just finished the rest of the logs) - but with 6 of the blocks, there just needs to have the final log sewn on.

I took a pick of the block just now and here Im posting it. Of course the picture doesnt do it justice of the bright colors.

Free to a Good Home

To give away - FREE SNOW - come shovel your own. Shovel provided... LOL

We have had 10" of fresh snow since Saturday evening. I'm getting so sick of
seeing white, and then I call home to my parents, and they report no snow - just

So.. so far today, I have somewhat finished a log cabin quilt top (the log cabin quilt posted below), just need to get more material (never ending draining of the pocketbook) to finish the last border on the quilt, and then its off to Laurie Jean.

Plan on doing minimal housework today, and cuddle up in a blanket and stitch.


Birth Number Quiz

Ok I dont take these such quiz often, but this one caught my eye, and I had to take it. Amazing, that describes me so well! Going to try it on Brian and see if they get number 8 or not.. LOL Yep, Brian comes from a family of 9 children.
But its not showing of it all, but it says that I was a first born, which I was
You Are Likely a First Born
At your darkest moments, you feel guilty.
At work and school, you do best when you're researching.
When you love someone, you tend to agree with them often.

In friendship, you are considerate and compromising.
Your ideal careers are: business, research, counseling, promotion, and speaking.
You will leave your mark on the world with discoveries, new information, and teaching people to dream.


Taxes are done!

WOOHOO, today I finally got my work return of the 2005 taxes. Cha Ching! Taxes have been filled, and just have to wait for status of the confirmation, and then wait for the direct depo$it.

I just find it amazing the amount of the return that we are getting. Its about the same as last year, but what I find bizarre is that the amount that I was withheld, well lets just say I'm thankful that I get it back.

Going to have some S.E.X. with the money - let me explain to the non-obsessed-with-cross-stitched-or-related-(need-more-materials/supplies)-hobbies.. LOL S.E.X. stands for Stash (materials/supplies/unnecessary). Enhancement. eXperience

Have plans with some of the $, will have to prioritize what we decide :)


Log Cabin Quilt Top FINISHED!

Yep, its finished. It turned out really neat. I learned alot about lights and dark in fabrics. Since this quilt is for me, its no big deal that some of the darks should have been lights, and some of the darks, that were lighter, I shouldnt have used. Oh well, learned a lesson there.

Now all I need to do now is get some material for the borders and the binding of the quilt. Im going to purchase so more of the center block (the maroon color material), and use that for the border and the binding. So I will need to wash, and cut the material. I also have the batting, and the backing material for this quilt.

Each center block is 6 inch (somewhat sqaure..LOL), then there are a total of 8 "logs (which are 2") so I ended up with a 14" block. I made 20 blocks, which I put into 4 rows accross, and then 5 rows down. I will add a border to the quilt, as soon as I get the material, and prepped. Then it will be off to Laurie Jean for her to quilt. Then I will start another project..;)


How we spent our weekend...

We went down this past weekend to attend a Winter Party that my cousin and his wife host each year. We got down about 3:30pm, and had a fun time at the party. They had a White Elephant gift exchange ~ I ended up with the Charleton Sheets "get rich" videos and papers.. LOL. Brian got a GameBoy Advance carrying pouch with 7 teenie Beanie Babies, and a Troll. Well, guess what he claimed.. LOL Yep, the Troll. Im going to use the pouch for camping.

About 7:30p we went back to our cottage. We had brought along our old TV to be used at the cottage. Compared to the other old one that was there.. its much better! Glen, Lisa, Katie, Mom, Dad, Brian and I stayed at the cottage overnight. I worked on the binding on my quilt that I would like to finish soon (the Northwoods one). We made arrangements with Amy, Natalie, Kaylee, Gregg, Scott, Jenny & Conway to meet us at the resturant for breakfast @ 10am on Sunday. Well it was great to be surrounded by the WHOLE family!! I know its hard to get together while we are down.. but it just made my weekend, and made the trip worth going down (Brian and I were contemplating going down - and had actually called and told them we werent going down to visit the family - just have been so busy, and wanted sometime, home).

Sunday afternoon, we all went back to our cottage and went 4wheeling around our property. I love 4wheeling! Might have to look into getting one for ourselves up here. Nataile, Conway, and even Katie were enjoying their rides around the yard. Once we were finished, and waiting for the rest to get back from going and looking at some sheds, we all just hung out, watched tv, and played with the kids. Sunday evening about 4:30p, we headed back to my parents house. We stopped for dinner along the way. Sunday night, I worked some more on my quilt's binding, but ended up falling asleep on the couch. I headed to bed about 11pm.

We left this morning around 10:30am, drove straight home, and where home @ 1pm. Below are some of the pictures from this weekend.

Left Picture: Lisa, Katie, Glen, Conway (dont worry he stopped crying once the 4wheeler was moving)
Right Picture: Katie, Glen, Conway, Natalie - eating cheesy popcorn (what a mess!)

Above Left Picture: Me on the 4wheeler Above Right Picture: Natalie, Conway on Scott's 4wheeler
Below Left Picture: Brian & I on Glen's 4wheeler Below Right Picture: Natalie & I

Left Picture: Natalie, Kaylee, and I
Right Picture: Katie, Natalie, Kaylee


"I said SMILE" LOL Natalie and Kaylee

Just "one" of those moments.. LOL

This picture is just too cute... when we leave the cottage, we always have to lock the gate for the road to the cottage.... well Dad said he was going to walk up to the gate, and lock it once the last vehicle goes by... well Natalie just had to tag along, and I had to take a picture!.. LOL


Log Cabin Quilt

Today I went to for my lesson on how to construct a Log Cabin style quilt. Since I had the fabric cut into 2.5 inch "logs", and my center piece were cut into 6.5" square blocks. Dang, its not going to take me long, and Im going to have it finished! Im making 24 Log Cabin style blocks, with a 6 inch center, with 2 inch logs around the center, so there are a total of 8 logs around the center. Its sooo easy! Well Im going to get sewing, might have the blocks completed yet tonight! Will let you know.


The Adopted Quilt

Im proud to say, that the quilt I adopted, not only 2 weeks ago is now molded to start its life as a quilt (A.K.A - FINISHED!) LOL
Its a Springtime Flanned quilt, which was paper pieced, and then sewed together. When I received the challenge, there was only one completed block, and all the material was cut. I had to finish the rest of the 19 blocks, and then put it all together.

I have spent several hours, I figured around 30 hrs on this adopted baby. I loved every minute of it!

Oh course the pictures does not do the quilt justice! Its very cloudy out today, so the lighting in the house is bad, and so then are the pictures. Sorry

I will be taking it up to Laurie Jean's today, and see what her reaction is going to be!

Humm I wonder what else she will be challenging me with.. LOL

Ok, comment away..

A friend (thanks Debra) brought to my attention that every time she would make a comment to a post, she wasnt allowed to. I figured it out.. DUH! I had the settings set for comments, that only other bloggers on blogspot could comment.

I have now changed the setting, and now anyone can comment :) WOOHOO!

Go get 'em, Flash!

BTW, you will have to make a word verification when making a comment. I have to do this to hose the spammers down, they can get nasty!


I'm Still... here

If there is anyone that reads this blog.. which I have no idea if there are.... cause I never have any comments of who reads this blog. But I guess I will just type into cyberspace about my life lately!

Well its consisted of work, sleep (when I do sleep), cross stitching, and quilting. I had to work Mon, Tues, and Wed. I had yesterday and today off.

Thurs, I started a new quilt class with Laurie Jean @ Golden Needle Quilt Studio in Iron River. I'm now going to be making a Log Cabin quilt. I had to buy 15 dark fat quarters, and 15 light fat quarters, and then I bought a yard of my middle square for the block. I choose browns for the dark, and white/tan for the lights. The middle square is a maroon colored background with pinecones, and pineneedles. Since yesterday was our first class, there are only 2 other ladies taking the class with me (who are beginner quilters). I just sat thru the introduction of the quilt, the make up of the quilt, and such, and then I was excused, while Laurie Jean explained to them the tools that they needed for quilting.. LOL. But I was put to work, I helped a little with the newsletter, did some other office work for her, that I promised I would help her with.

After class was over, Laurie Jean and I went over to Wardo - its a quilting store, and jaw dropper of the store (all the things I would love to buy, I would be broke - and still haven't bought all the stuff I wish to buy.. LOL). I bought the yard of material I needed for the log cabin quilt.

Oh I almost forgot! I got the Northwoods Sea At Storm back yesterday!!!! All QUILTED! She had asked me what I wanted on the quilt, and I decided to call it "Northwoods Discovery" - with words that I describe the Northwoods and the discoveries I had made since moving up here, 4 years ago. I just love the quilt! I just have to put the binding on it (which I need to do that next door at the inlaws, cause they have a large enough table to do the sewing on.. LOL), then I will have to hand sew the rest of the binding.

I got the rest of the material that I needed for the quilt that I adopted. I worked on it for about 4 hrs last night, and hope to work on it today, more.

I also sat down last night and worked on a cross stitch project, got a little accomplished, but I was getting tired.

Well I guess that is about it.. I work this weekend, so I'm enjoying today!


Hot off the scroll...

Gosh Im addicted to sitting down and finishing a project. Actually started this one about 5:30p, and put my last stitch in at 11:59pm, hoping to meet my midnight deadline.. LOL Yes I know pressure, pressure.. that explains my aching hands!

This design is called 2006 Celtic Heart ~ a design from Moonflower Designs (www.moonflowerneedleart.com) I actually dyed the material for this project, this afternoon. I couldnt find the right blue material that I wished to stitch on, since this design kept saying Red, White, and Blue. So Im not a do-it-yourself dye virgin anymore. It was so fun, and simple! I was so excited that I couldnt wait for the material to dry so I could put my stitches in.. LOL

It is stitched to be exchanged in a Celtic block exchange. Gonna have to stitch me one, someday.


Its done - finished a project

I thought I would take alittle break and post what I just got done doing.. LOL - and this weekend Ive been busy! I will post later.

I finished the Home is Where Our Story Begins, I finished it into a trivet. Lots really cute!

Might have to make myself one, one of these days..;)

Well, back to work around here.. see whatelse I can find to keep busy with.. LOL

I have adopted a...

quilt. Yes you read that right, I have adopted a quilt. Laurie Jean on Tuesday asked if I would like to work on a paper pieced quilt, since I had said I liked it so much. Well I came home Tuesday night, and started on it.. worked on it a few hours. Found out that I am short several of the pieces (all 52 pieces) to make a block. I emailed her on Tuesday to let her know of the problem, and she said that she was sure she had it in her stash. And to continue on.... Each block has 32 pieces to the block formation. So its actually made in to different units, and then sewn together, and it takes 4 units to make the block.

Well after several (like 14 hrs) hours, Im at the point where I cant continue on .. LOL Im finished to where I have nothing to do on the quilt till I get the fabric I need to continue on. I have 9 of the blocks finished already (out of the 20 needed for the quilt). My hand ache from all the cutting of the pieces that I had to trim. It even felt like blisters are starting to form under the skin. So I cant do anymore till after Thursday when I go up to Iron River for my quilt class.

Speaking of quilt class I washed the darks for the log cabin quilt, and ironed them this morning. Have the lites in the washer as I type. Im excited about starting a new quilt. And also going to have to find the time to finish the adopted quilt.

Well Im off to find something different to do, and relax my hands.. LOL


A Gift From Heaven

Yes its late, but I just had to post this adorable design. I started it last night, and sat down tonight, and finished it. I stitched this one for Kaylee, my newest niece will be given to her when she is baptized.

Its a design from Lizzie*Kate. Stitched on 14ct pink aida. Will be framed.


First Finish of 2006

I started this project the other day, and since I was looking for something to do tonight, I sat down and finished it. Its called Home Is Where Our Story Begins, from Lizzie*Kate. It was designed in honor of the victims of Hurricane Katrina (since all the profits of the design will be donated to the hurricane relief).

It is stitched on 18ct white aida, and will be finished into a trivet.