
The Adopted Quilt

Im proud to say, that the quilt I adopted, not only 2 weeks ago is now molded to start its life as a quilt (A.K.A - FINISHED!) LOL
Its a Springtime Flanned quilt, which was paper pieced, and then sewed together. When I received the challenge, there was only one completed block, and all the material was cut. I had to finish the rest of the 19 blocks, and then put it all together.

I have spent several hours, I figured around 30 hrs on this adopted baby. I loved every minute of it!

Oh course the pictures does not do the quilt justice! Its very cloudy out today, so the lighting in the house is bad, and so then are the pictures. Sorry

I will be taking it up to Laurie Jean's today, and see what her reaction is going to be!

Humm I wonder what else she will be challenging me with.. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous quilt! I have 2 quilts that I have started and I really want to finish them. Maybe seeing yours will give me that incentive to do that!


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