Its has snowed all night, and most of today! It was starting to snow when I was coming home last night from work, which was around 9pm. When we went to bed around midnight it was barely enough to cover the porch. This morning when I awoke, we had about 2.5 inches! Atleast we didn't get the 6 - 10 inches they had forecast over night. I'm guessing that we have had about 4 inches total.
Other than that, I spent it indoors. Brian did spend some time outside, either shoveling, or cleaning off the vehicles. I worked on the State Flower Star block - actually have 30 completely finished. So I only have 20 to go.. which I do have a good dent on the flying geese pieces that attach to the block. I'm thinking that this weekend I will be done. I haven't even touched the African Storm At Sea since last week - besides its nice to take a break and work on something different for awhile.
We did have to venture out in the weather. Our SIL called to say that she was stuck and needed help. So Brian, Brian's brother, their kids, and myself went to go and help her out. It didn't take long, but it was sure cold out. The wind sure made the windchill awfully cold!
Well I have to work tomorrow.. so I'm going to go and find something to cross stitch. My mind has been talking me into stitching something new ... and small.. LOL
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