
ILCS SAL Exchange - HIH

This was stitched by Vicki a stitching friend from ILCS

On Monday I received my SAL Exchange (where I send someone the pattern, floss, material... whatever else - and the person that receives my items, stitches the design for me, and sends it back, and I do it for someone else.) back.

I LOVE IT! The exchange for this time was Heart In Hand Wee One, I chose Wee Welcome. I sent the floss, aida, and pattern to a cross stitching friend, Vicki in CT. She did a wonderful job stitching. It did take her alittle longer to get this stitched, but I figured out why. The design is BIG! I will make it in to a wall hanging. I will post a picture when I get it finished.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~