
LK Life's A Stitch

I have been stitching on a SAL Exchange.. the theme was Lizzie Kate Snippet and the design I received was Life's A Stitch. I also sent Life's A Stitch to my partner - funny thing is we sent the same design to each other.. LOL

I have the design completed, except for the satin stitch. And let me tell you...those satin stitches around the border have been a killer for me!
Ive never frogged so much on a design before as I have on this one.. LOL I have even stitched this design before, thank goodness I didnt
stitch the satin border before.. or I would have asked for a different design.. LOL Hope to have it finished soon. Just thought I would post an update as to what Im keeping busy doing.

This afternoon Brian and I went to Iron River to get away. We went to lunch, then we did alittle shopping and grocery shopping. I actually had the urge to go home and do some sewing, and finish a quilt (the fire truck log cabin) - all I have to do is put the borders on. Well I think I might have to do that on Thursday - cause that will be my next day off. Actually when I was shopping on Tuesday - I found some John Deere material, and I think Im going to make a Yellow Brick Road quilt. I have a few other quilts that are getting antsy to get going .. LOL.

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