
Quilt Show

The quilt show was today, and was a success! There were over 80 quilts entered, and about 100 people walked thru the show. I entered 8 of my quilts. Amy's Quilt (won 3rd place in the baby quilt catergory), Let Freedom Ring, Northwoods Wreath, Northwood's Discovery (won 1st place in the First Quilt catergory), and my WIP - Northwoods Yellow Brick Road, Firetruck Quilt, Northwoods Log Cabin, and Cross Stitch Quilt (which won 1st place in the WIP catergory).

It was alot of fun putting the show together.. cant wait till next year! I will be posting some more pics to the Golden Needle Quilt Studio website soon.. just to tired!.. LOL

I had the total surprise of my parents attending. They drove up this morning (150 miles) to just to attend the my first quilt show! I was totally surprised, and I was very proud to have them there to see what I have been doing. Brian and his mom were there to see the quilts, and really enjoyed themselves. My BIL & SIL - Jimmy and Lisa, even came to check out the quilt show.

Also some exciting news! Im going to NEBRASKA! Brian, my Mom, and myself are going to Nebraska in August! Im going to attend the get together for the ILCS group. We are having a retreat from Aug 11 - 14th. We are going to be driving down, so we will leave on Tuesday, and hope to get back the following Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Amy's quilt is sooo pretty, you did a great job. And if the wreath quilt ever needs a home...you have my address, right?! Congratulations on your wins, it sounds like you had a blast. And what fun that your parents came! That was a fun surprise.



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