
Acorns & Pines

This is a design from Little House Needlworks - called Acorns & Pines. I had seen it in a finish album of a friend, and just had to stitch it! I stitched it on 14ct fiddlers aida, with DMC floss.
Im hoping to make it into a little tuck pillow.

I had to work the past 4 days, and I had a weekend that I wish it doesnt repeat in the future! It was sooooo bad! We have a resident that is having a hard time, and well its hard on all of us. And I guess I take it personal when I have difficulties with them. So when I came home in the evenings - all I wanted to do was stitch, and get my mind on other things. So I started this design Saturday night, and finished before noon today.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I hadn't seen this one before. I love designs with little houses in them.

    Hang in there, hopefully work will get better :)

    Just keep Omaha in mind :)


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