
Something new.. Weekly SBQ

I have seen on other blogs about a stitching question.. so I thought I would check it out. I had to join a Yahoo group, called Stitching Blogger's Question (SBQ). So here is the first question Im answering :)

Today's SBQ was suggested by Cathy and is: When you get a project professionally framed do you get glass inserted into the frame? Why or why not?

Well I have never really had a project professionally framed, but I have had professional help with the framing.

Back in Feb 2005, I stitched "Of Woods and Wilderness" by Dragon Dreams for a fundraiser at work. I bought a 7x7" square wooden frame and custom cut glass @ H.L. drove home 120 miles to find out that the glass had broken! Talked with a coworker, who husband had a glass repair business, so I got another piece of glass from her. Getting out of the truck at the framers, and some how managed to crack the corner of the glass, and had to have the framer cut a new piece!... LOL

The framer helped me pick out the mat and cut it while I waited! He even finished the back of the frame putting brown paper on it. I loved it.. hated to part with the finish! Going to have to stitch it again!

1 comment:

  1. You should stitch it again!

    Hey, I went and signed up for the SBQ also after reading your post. I thought it was something you had to be invited to do.

    My winter jacket (packed away) looks like yours, only it is lilac & purple. Columbia, right? Man, I love that jacket. Zip out liner and all.



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