
SS Package Part 2

I was struck again by my Secret Sister! This I received from Stitching Bits And Bobs,

Lizzie*Kate's Think Autumn..... and ALL the dyed floss!
Sampler Threads -forest glade, fragrant cloves, gold leaf, harvest basket, mulberry, shaker white, sutter green, and from WDW - amber, chesapeake, hazelnut, molasses, onyx, seaweed.

I have picked out a piece of tea colored linen that Im going to stitch this design on.

Thank you soooo much to my Secret Sister!


  1. Wow! Your secret sister really is spoiling you. I really like this Lizzie Kate chart. I have the Spring one. They are all so cute!

  2. What a wonderful present! I am loving your ornaments as I am able to see them.

    I sent you an email via gmail last week...just wondering if you got it.

    Hope to have a computer full time soon!

    Keep those ornies coming you are really smokin those needles!



Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~