
"Let Us Be Thankful"

WOW, this design was such a fast stitch! I started it on Sunday, and now it being Tuesday, and I didnt stitch at all last night, as I was too tired.

This is called "Let Us Be Thankful" from Bent Creek. I did change the color of the vine (936), and I didnt stitch the turkeys (which are to be on both sides) - as I think this would be enjoyed all year round. This was stitched on 28ct mushroom colored linen. To give you an idea of its size its 15 1/2" by 2 1/2".

As of right now, we have only had 3 trick or treaters, and I have a feeling that will be all for tonight. I hand out microwave popcorn bags, and juice boxes.. so I planned on 15... so I guess we will be eating popcorn and drinking juice for awhile. Next year Im buying chocolate.. LOL

Happy Halloween!

HaPpY haLloWeEn
The above photo was of pumpkins that Brian and my sister carved Halloween 2004 - gosh hard to believe it was that long ago!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! Brian and I will be passing out popcorn and juice boxes today - but not sure how many we will end up with! Its mostly family that venture back by us. Need to get some packages out in the mail also - sending the model I finished up later last week, back to the designer, and I need to send out an Angel project that I helped with. Will post some pictures as soon as I can. Also, I have a few chores to do today, and then I will be working on my LUBT SAL later today - hoping to get it finished. Hope you have a nice evening, and the treaters are a joy to see!


Let's Us Be Thankful WIP

Well its bedtime, and I thought I would post my progress on the Let Us Be Thankful SAL that Im participating with in the Bent Creek Yahoo group. I have decided not to stitch the turkeys on both ends.. this way it can be displaced all year. And I changed the color of the vine - stitching it in 936

After getting over a day long headache - I finally got all my supplies together and pulled out the pattern. I had to cut the fabric and surge around the sides - which meant I had to get the sewing machine out.. I so wished I had sewing room! Then I played some with the Qsnaps and came up with this long frame to stitch on! And to believe I started stitching about 9pm! Gosh its going to be no time and I will be done! This design is going so fast! Be prepared to see a finish yet this week.. humm maybe another Oct finish.. will see!

Well I only have to work tomorrow, then I have 3 days off from the f/t job, and work on Thursday at the quilt shop.. WOOHOO!


The Change

Umm time change that is.. LOL Gosh with having the extra hour .. its so nice! Here it is, almost 11:45, and the clock on the wall says 12:45... humm I guess I need to change it!

I got myself another job! WOOHOO! Like I have enough time the way it is. Well I sorta got my dream job going to be working 6 days a month (once a week, and one weekend) in a fabric department ! WOOHOO!!! A friend of mine, whom also works at the quilt shop - also my mentor/friend/boss of me at the quilt studio that I also work at, put in a good word for me, and then told me to apply.

Well about 2 weeks ago, I went to talk to Laurie Jean about the "requirements" of the job, and LJ introduced me to the boss of the quilt shop. My new boss Deb has known me as a customer, and when I co-organized the quilt show in June. Well Deb handed me an application, and told me that I could start whenever I wanted.. LOL So I more so had the job before I even filled out the job application. I even got an employee discount with my purchase that night of some fat quarters and a 9 1/2" square. :) I will be working on Thursdays from 9am - 5pm (which the shop is only open from 9-5 M-Sat, and noon - 4p on Sundays.)

And of course I'm keeping my full time job. Since I work 10 hr days - 4 days a week. I have beg, pleaded, and ranted to get my schedule changed to work 4 days one week, and 3 days the following week. :) I need to work more than 64 hrs a week to get health insurance, so this should work out great! And besides, the f/t job is getting very stressful, and I need alittle more of a break inbetween each shifts. I have already worked a day a week ago Friday, and I really liked it!

So wish me luck, or tell me to turn around so you can give me a swift kick in the rear.. LOL . I will mainly be working in the fabric department - cutting fabric, organizing the bolts, helping customers pick out fabrics, and drool over all the material I can buy to make quilts with.. LOL OY!

"Scared Crow?"

Yea! Another October finish!

This adorable design is from Bent Creek, called "Scared Crow?" Stitched on 14ct fiddlers aida. From the first time I saw it, I had to stitch it! I actually had started it before I had all my deadlines. So it sat with just its face stitched. Poor thing! Then on Thursday night after work, I picked the little guy up, and began stitching. So I have stitched quite a bit since then.. LOL Have no clue as to how I will finish this guy.

Also this afternoon I was sorting out my quilting fabrics.. gosh I gotta get busy!.. LOL Lots of material calling my name! I have a vision for a USA quilt, a breast cancer rememberance quilt, a John Deere quilt, a fire fighter quilt, a assortment of flame material quilt - so to say.. LOL, and I have other material that I picked on in the past to make a quilt with. So I guess its that time again to pick between two needles again!


Here's the "Update" ~ to be continued...

Hi all - just wanted to point out ... I have changed the name of my blog. It is still the same url address, but the title is changed.. more to suit me I guess. LOL About a year ago I made a quilt, and I called the quilt "Long Lake - Northwoods Discovery", and quilted in the quilt (Thanks LJ!) are words that I have experienced up here since moving 5 yrs ago already! Such words as bears, fishing, camping, woods, etc.

So I thought it was time for a change! So if you have me in your blog roll - you might want to change the blog title, if not, it will still direct you to my blog. Thanks!

Also I have neglected on the SBQ questions, so I have gone back and added the answers to my questions.

And also, I have signed on to be on the Stitching Bloggers Webring I love looking at other stitcher’s creations! So Im just waiting for approval to be allowed on the webring.

I will post more later! I have been working on "Scared Crow" by Bent Creek, and its just stitching up fast! So maybe I will have a picture to show in the next day or two! I have the weekend off, and we have no plans.. well I do.. I plan on watching some scary movies this weekend!


Im here!

Yes I know, I havent posted much lately - but I have proof, I have been busy! Well I cant post pictures as I have just finished a cross stitch model, and an Angel quilt for a cross stitching friend. Im now deadline FREE! YES! I can finally do some "ME" projects .. LOL Hopefully I can post what has been happening in the past week - this weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!

SBQ Question - October 25

Today's SBQ was suggested by Carol and is:

If you were to come across a sampler chart that caught your eye and appealed to you, would you or would you not stitch it if it had a morbid or "creepy" saying on it? If not, why?

Depends - but I would probably would not stitch it. I dont know - I dont think I would take the time to stitch it as it would take longer to find an appropriate saying than have to chart it out.


SBQ Question - October 18

Today's SBQ was suggested by Vash and is:

Which way do you stitch, i.e. do you stitch /// followed by \\\ on top, or the other way around \\\ followed by ///? Are you left- or right-handed and do you think that this affects the way that you stitch?

I stitch /// across the WHOLE row first, and then I come back across the row doing my \\\ stitches. I don't do each X at a time. I'm consistent with my stitching. All the X's are stitched the same way! I'm a stickler for seeing X's made the wrong way, and not consistent. It drives me NUTTS! I guess I'm too much of a perfectionist.. LOL I'm a two handed stitcher, when I use my floor stand. When I stitch with the Qsnap or scroll frame in hand, I stitch with the right hand and hold with the left.


HAPPY 3rd BDAY NATALIE! - Weekend happenings

This past weekend was a busy one for Brian and I. We went down state on Saturday morning, even got 15 miles down the road and had to turn around to get the camera!.. And then again I didn't take that many pictures.. LOL

We got down to my parents house to find that my dad was leaving to go to a fire dept function for alittle bit (Brian was going to stay with him, but since it wasn't totally planned out, Bri came with me instead). We went to see my sister and mom at a craft fair. OMG was it cold! Bri and I were only there about 45 minutes and we were frozen when we left! I did manage to sell $20 worth of my cross stitch pillows. I haven't had a chance to look thru the pillows to see which ones sold - I know that 4 of them did.

Saturday night I had to dj for my Aunt and Uncle's 30th wedding anniversary - we had a blast.. all who were there enjoyed themselves! Got lots of compliments on a great job that I did. Its too bad I couldn't make more money djing.. LOL But its alot of work! Brian even had to do alittle singing - he is pictured here singing a Buddy Holly song. He was all hyped up, but I only had 2 songs that he could sing.. LOL.

On Sunday, Natalie (AKA by Missy - as the Monkey.. LOL) celebrated her 3rd birthday! Man oh man, where has the time gone! Seems like yesterday I was rushing down to Oshkosh to see her for the first time - got to hold her when she was 2 hrs old.

The theme of her party was Princess Party - with the main character "Ariel" from "The Little Mermaid" For her bday I got her the TLM on DVD. It was quite comical when she opened the DVD to find the movie. The look on her face was priceless, and I was so glad to be apart of her special day! I also got her a Ariel doll, and of course I had to give her the Candyland game! I remember many of hours as a child playing that game. She got lots of clothing, and Princess related toys. She is such a little person.. its so cute! When I had first seen her on Sunday, and wished her a Happy Birthday, Natalie, she goes "Why Thank You" and walked up to me to give me a big hug and kiss.

Here is a picture of Kaylee - I just love her smile, and those teeth!.. LOL She is such a cutie! She is beginning to walk, and I'm sure the next time we go down, she will be walking.

My other niece and nephew also attended the party, and had a great time - notice I didn't say their names or post pictures, well I cant. I have to respect the wishes of their parents... which sucks! Cause I just want to show those adorable kids off! But my sister has no problem of me bragging on her kids! And Aunt Kimmy (as my nephew calls me) loves showing Nat and Kaylee off!

Sunday night Bri, Dad, Amy, Nat, and Kaylee went out to eat. Natalie even had a candle in her ice cream. :)

Brian and I came home Monday morning, but of course we had to stop at Hobby Lobby and Menards (to get some cold weather prepping supplies) to do alittle shopping. We stopped at a restaurant and I got something to eat. We got home about 1:30p, and I was in bed by 2pm! About 4 the phone rang, and I got up for a bit, but felt awful! I was back in bed about 5:30p, and slept till about 7:30. I had chills - and felt sick! I was in bed again by 10pm! And I slept thru the night, and felt alot better when I woke up this morning! Thank God! So I may have had a trace of food poisoning from what I ate on Monday for lunch.



Look what can happen in 2 hours time! It began snowing, so I took the camera outside and took some pics.. this was taken at 3:49pm.

I got up from the computer to look outside, look what I saw! The picture below was taken at 5:58pm!

SEF - Apples

Ive received word that Debra has received her SEF in the mail. (SEF = Small Exchange Finish). For each person we have a theme, and for Debra it was "apples". I chose this Trail Creek Farm freebie, called "You're The Apple Of My Eye". I added the buttons before I made the pillow. The material was given to my by my friend, Shari. Turned out really cute! So glad that Debra liked it :)

SBQ Question - October 11th

Today's SBQ was suggested by Lee and is:

As we all know, stitching in the winter can really be rough on the hands. What do you do to treat your hands well in the cold winter months? Do you have any suggestions for creams or soaps? Or perhaps a special regimen that you would like to share?

During the winter months I really dont have a problem with my hands getting dry. I wash my hands alot during stitching. But during the summer months, I find myself washing my hands more due to sweating more. As far as creams - I have bought "Udder Cream" - but only have used it a few times now. Im not much of a lotion person, as I find myself washing the lotion off pretty much right away.. LOL


12 Blessings by L*K - Giving

TA DA!!! Here is the 12th of the 12 I stitched up of the blessings. Now the stitching part is all done!

Here is "Giving" from the 12 Blessings series from Lizzie*Kate. I stitched it on 28ct white Quaker linen, with DMC floss. Will be finished into a ornament.

Now Im going to have to pick up the fabric to make the ornaments. And I think I have a month to get this done. Now its off to work on some things around the house, and then later I can work on a model Im stitching.


12 Blessings by L*K - Caring

Here is the 11th of the 12 I stitched up of the blessings. ONE MORE! WOOHOO!

Here is "Caring" from the 12 Blessings series from Lizzie*Kate. I stitched it on 28ct white Quaker linen, with DMC floss. Will be finished into a ornament.


12 Blessings by L*K - Family

Here is the 10th of the 12 I stitched up of the blessings!

Here is "Family" from the 12 Blessings series from Lizzie*Kate. I stitched it on 28ct white Quaker linen, with DMC floss. Will be finished into a ornament.

I just love how these stitch up so fast! Hope to get the other ones finished in the next few days :). Then it will be off to buy the fabric!


12 Blessings by L*K - Faith

Here is the 9th of the 12 I stitched up of the blessings. Getting there!

Here is "Faith" from the 12 Blessings series from Lizzie*Kate. I stitched it on 28ct white Quaker linen, with DMC floss. Will be finished into a ornament.

I like this... two finishes in one day! WOOHOO!

Brian's Pumpkin Shirt

Today, while I was cleaning out the closets, and putting away the summer clothes, and getting out the warmer/long sleeve clothing - I came across the Halloween shirts I bought last year..LOL. And I only paid $0.25 each for them.. and I bought them first hand.. LOL Not bad for finding them for $12.99 for the same shirts we have at the same store I bought them in first place.. LOL.

Here is the shirt that Brian ended up wearing while we went out for dinner tonight.

Karin's Quilt Block - COMPLETED!

Oh Im soooooo happy to post that I have Karin's quilt block completed! Since meeting Karin at the ILCS retreat, I realized that I had not signed up to stitch a block her niece's to be quilt. The theme is from the African Rainforest Afghan leaflet, and I chose to stitch on block #25.Karin has a deadline of early November, so this will surely make it in time! It was stitched on 16ct aida, with DMC floss. Now its off to California (Hi Karin), and then it will be going to the east coast (Hi Christina!)

Ok, now I can focus more on the model Im stitching, and to finish the last 4 - 12 Blessing by L*K ornaments, and then I gotta finish the pillow for Debra's small finish exchange.... WOOHOO!
Oh I just love the pressure!.. LOL


12 Blessings by L*K - Charity

Here is the 8th of the 12 I stitched up of the blessings.

Here is "Charity" from the 12 Blessings series from Lizzie*Kate. I stitched it on 28ct white Quaker linen, with DMC floss. Will be finished into a ornament.

My weekend & a finish

This past weekend, as you have read in a previous post, I went down to visit, and participate in a craft fair. I went hubby-less, and arrived at my parents about 11am. Shortly after my arrival, Amy, Natalie, and Kaylee showed up, and along with Mom, a friend of the family, and myself headed off to Appleton for the Octoberfest - mainly for the craft fair. Well when we finally parked, we ended up on the 7th and top floor of the parking ramp downtown, and 3 blocks away from the craft fair.

My sister has a 2 seater stroller for the girls, and let me tell you, if I didn't have carpal tunnel before this - I'm sure I was going to have it soon.. LOL that stroller was a chore to maneuver, but we managed! OH MY GOSH..the people! We were shoulder to shoulder with the crowd most of the time, and the craft fair, well lets just say I was more interested in not running into people and less time viewing the crafts- that's for sure! We did manage to listen to the music - since Nat wanted to dance (which she spent the time on her Mommy's shoulders, viewing the band). We left as the raindrops started to fall. We got back to the vehicle and down the parking ramp, and when we pulled out onto the street it was pouring out! We took our friend back to her vehicle and turned around and went back to Appleton to Hobby Lobby! :) I got lots of floss for some exchanges and some floss I needed. And I got a few other goodies.

On Sunday, Mom and I were off to craft fair in Greenville. Shortly Amy was there and we got the tent set up to house our little booth. Jenny also joined us for the day, and we had everything ready to go by 9am. They said there were over 350 vendors involved in the craft fair. It seemed like the people were looking more than they were buying. My mom was the one that sold items (she made about $100), and Amy, Jenny, and I didn't sell a thing! I did get the 12 Blessings - Hope ornament done, and started on the Charity ornament.

It was interesting to watch the customers stop, look, and touch the cross stitch pillows I made to sell. But they weren't interested enough to buy, I guess. My Mom and Amy are going to be in another craft fair on the 14th.

Sunday evening, Dad, Mom, Amy, Nat, Kaylee, and I went out to eat. It was fun! Kaylee is sure a guy magnet for some reason.. LOL On Monday morning I got up, and packed my things, and had to make another stop back to Hobby Lobby to spend the 40% off coupon :) I was home about 1:30p. And by 2:30p I was in bed for a 2 hour nap! I was exhausted, and sick. I was doped up on DayQuill and NyQuill all weekend.