
HAPPY 3rd BDAY NATALIE! - Weekend happenings

This past weekend was a busy one for Brian and I. We went down state on Saturday morning, even got 15 miles down the road and had to turn around to get the camera!.. And then again I didn't take that many pictures.. LOL

We got down to my parents house to find that my dad was leaving to go to a fire dept function for alittle bit (Brian was going to stay with him, but since it wasn't totally planned out, Bri came with me instead). We went to see my sister and mom at a craft fair. OMG was it cold! Bri and I were only there about 45 minutes and we were frozen when we left! I did manage to sell $20 worth of my cross stitch pillows. I haven't had a chance to look thru the pillows to see which ones sold - I know that 4 of them did.

Saturday night I had to dj for my Aunt and Uncle's 30th wedding anniversary - we had a blast.. all who were there enjoyed themselves! Got lots of compliments on a great job that I did. Its too bad I couldn't make more money djing.. LOL But its alot of work! Brian even had to do alittle singing - he is pictured here singing a Buddy Holly song. He was all hyped up, but I only had 2 songs that he could sing.. LOL.

On Sunday, Natalie (AKA by Missy - as the Monkey.. LOL) celebrated her 3rd birthday! Man oh man, where has the time gone! Seems like yesterday I was rushing down to Oshkosh to see her for the first time - got to hold her when she was 2 hrs old.

The theme of her party was Princess Party - with the main character "Ariel" from "The Little Mermaid" For her bday I got her the TLM on DVD. It was quite comical when she opened the DVD to find the movie. The look on her face was priceless, and I was so glad to be apart of her special day! I also got her a Ariel doll, and of course I had to give her the Candyland game! I remember many of hours as a child playing that game. She got lots of clothing, and Princess related toys. She is such a little person.. its so cute! When I had first seen her on Sunday, and wished her a Happy Birthday, Natalie, she goes "Why Thank You" and walked up to me to give me a big hug and kiss.

Here is a picture of Kaylee - I just love her smile, and those teeth!.. LOL She is such a cutie! She is beginning to walk, and I'm sure the next time we go down, she will be walking.

My other niece and nephew also attended the party, and had a great time - notice I didn't say their names or post pictures, well I cant. I have to respect the wishes of their parents... which sucks! Cause I just want to show those adorable kids off! But my sister has no problem of me bragging on her kids! And Aunt Kimmy (as my nephew calls me) loves showing Nat and Kaylee off!

Sunday night Bri, Dad, Amy, Nat, and Kaylee went out to eat. Natalie even had a candle in her ice cream. :)

Brian and I came home Monday morning, but of course we had to stop at Hobby Lobby and Menards (to get some cold weather prepping supplies) to do alittle shopping. We stopped at a restaurant and I got something to eat. We got home about 1:30p, and I was in bed by 2pm! About 4 the phone rang, and I got up for a bit, but felt awful! I was back in bed about 5:30p, and slept till about 7:30. I had chills - and felt sick! I was in bed again by 10pm! And I slept thru the night, and felt alot better when I woke up this morning! Thank God! So I may have had a trace of food poisoning from what I ate on Monday for lunch.

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