
Patriotic YBR WIP Quilt

I have been wanting to do a Patriotic quilt, so I found my Yellow Brick Road pattern, and went away at it!

I believe it was Thursday night I cut up the pieces, and since I used more fat quarters than it called for, I had to select the different fabrics to work with. So I had enough to make 2 quilts.

Well last night I took a break from SBG, and got out the sewing machine and put it on the kitchen table, and went at it!

I did have a mishap with the quilt and it well, I had to cut some of the outer blocks on the length side to accommodate.

I still need to buy some border fabric and also the binding material. I already have the backing material. The size of the quilt will be appropriate for the back of a recliner.
Thanks to DH, Brian, for holding up the quilt so I could snap this picture.. aren't they great for something! Oh yeah, and he didn't even complain. YEA! I think that deserves for me to make him some lunch.. LOL Ack... just looked out the window, and I see its snowing.


  1. awesome Kim!!!!!!!!! It looks great!!! I wish I knew how to do quilts, but...that would take away from stitching time, wouldn't it?!?!
    Great job & thanks to Brian for holding it up, so we could see it!

  2. Your quilt looks great - you are a woman of many talents!

    Great start on the Game Board too!

  3. Thanks for inspiring me to get back into quilting, I bought both this and the Turning twenty pattern, and am cutting out the turning twenty right now! I check out you blog all the time, we are in several yahoo groups together, i am just not uch of a poster! You do some beautiful work!

  4. It's beautiful Kim!!!! You are so talented!!!


  5. Now how did I miss this post?? The quilt looks great--I love it!


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