
SGB WIP Progress Report

Day 5 - Since last report, stitched 4 houses and 4 motifs. Stitched border and WXYZ
Ok, disregard the date on the pic. Just happen to take the pic @ 12:01 am. But the progress was from Fri, Sat, and Sun.. he he he.

I'm hoping I can do at least one block a day. That's my goal. I know I wont be able to every day, but it looks like I already have made up for those days..;)


  1. wow girl! It looks great! You are going to have yours done before any of the rest of us start!!! I still don't have my fabric!! I do have my floss--I am just using dmc!
    Thanks for sharing & inspiring!

  2. It look wonderful Kim! Great progress girl :o)

  3. Fantastic progress on the GameBoard Sampler Kim.

  4. a square a day!!! WOOT : )

    You will be done with the gameboard in 64 days. That is an awesome goal.

    i'm enjoying the game board, too

  5. Oh, lovely progress on the Gameboard! I'm looking forward to seeing the next update on it!!

  6. You're going to be finished way before the rest of us at the rate you're going! Looks great!

  7. It looks awesome Kim!!!!

    I can't wait to start mine!!


  8. Great progress and your stitching is wonderful.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~