
Biscornu Front - FINISH

This finish is for my biscornu class that is going to be held at the ILCS Retreat. I used a DMC linen thread, and I just love the color. Im not even sure of the color's name as it didn't specify on the label, just the number - L3013. The need to be careful with the linen - that I found out! It likes to fray very easy. While cleaning out my stash last weekend. I came across a big piece of ivory color evenweave - and cut it up into the pieces I needed. It only took me about 2 hrs to stitch it up.
I need to finish the bottom for the biscornu, yet.
Thanks to all that left comments about the QSnap Huggers - if you have any ?'s - please email me. :)


  1. I bet you are looking forward to the retreat.Love the Qsnap Huggers, you are so good at thinking up ways of doing things for yourself.Loved your post about reading blogs it sums up how I feel about stitchers' blogs too you just said it better than I would have though.
    Happy Easter

  2. I absolutelly adore the Q-Snap huggers!!! I know I could make some. I'll have to look up the instructions. Of course the Biscornu finish is really nice too. Hope to see the finished biscornu! Love reading your blog!

  3. Very nice Kim! I have the DMC linen threads but have not used them yet. Thanks for the head's up :o)

  4. Looks good, Kim. I found out the same thing about the linen threads. They DO fray easily so shorter lengths are necessary.

  5. Very nice...I cannot wait to see the bottom. Thank you for the warning on the linen floss.


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