
ILCS 2007 Retreat Nametag - FINISHED

Whew.. another finish today! I sat down, started and finished the nametag for the retreat next month.

Patty from Moonflower Designs was very generous in designing the nametag, and sending the adorable cardinal buttons!! Thanks Patty!

The reason for the cardinals - well the retreat is being held in Indiana, well the cardinal is the state bird for the state, and the decision was to go with the cardinal. :)


  1. That's so cute, Kim. Well done!

  2. Your name tag looks great Kim.

  3. It's really neat Kim :o)

  4. That's cute. I LOVE cardials. We didn't have them in the Pacific Northwest, so I REALLY appreciate them. We have one little guy who sits in the tree just outside our bedroom and starts singing at about 4 a.m. We call him Rooster! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~