

Today I had to work at Wardo's and I came home and I was just pooped. All my working days are catching up with me. I got the clothes off the line, since I had done 4 loads of laundry before I left for work. I had hung some bath towels in the house last night, and I thought I would just take them out on the line and let the dampness out of them.

I came back into the house, and about 4:15p, I sat down in my chair. I fell fast asleep. I woke up at 5:10 to a down pour of rain!! Since then I have been waiting for the rainbow.

Looky at what I found a few minutes ago!!! Yep, and I even got lucky!! A double rainbow!!
And of course, the bath towels went back in the washer... lol


  1. What a great pic :)

  2. Beautiful picture Kim :o) We usually get rainbows in the back of our place too.

  3. Great picture, what a lovely sight to wake up to.

  4. Beautiful--great picture!!


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