
What a lovely morning site...

Gosh darn it all, Im not ready for snow this four letter word yet!! Im want my 80s back, and I dont mean music.. LOL

Yep, this is what it looks like here this morning, up in the northwoods of Wisconsin.... 32.7 degrees, and blowing like crazy. Oy!


  1. but it looks so preeeetttty!

  2. Oh I love snow , perhpas thats because we hardly ever get it here on the south coast in the UK. Hope you all keep warm and safe

  3. I love it Kim! I want some!

  4. I know the feeling, no snow yet but my car was frozen shut this morning as it rained last evening and then dropped below freezing...I'm not looking forward to constant cold weather either...

  5. Oh man, this makes me miss home!!! I love snow! Only 6 months till we move back to the mainland though, so hopefully we will see snow next year!

    : )

  6. It is very pretty, though :)

    I remember many years ago when I was sent up to Rhinelander for work for a couple of weeks in mid October. It snowed while I was there, and being from the south (SE MN), was totally unprepared...it was too early to think about having something to clean off the car with!

  7. oh, drat it all. We had snow flurries -- nothing to stick on the ground ... yet.

  8. I cannot believe it...I was thinking about you this morning when the local news said that the States would see their first snow of the season. Enjoy it for me =}
    Hugs, Toni

  9. I live in North of Norway, and yesterday I woke up to snow. I don't like it either...

  10. I'm not ready for it either!

  11. I hate snow...I want my 80's back too!!!

  12. ohh I love it Kim .. send me your snow! we never get enough! lol

  13. It's so beautiful but I would only want a short time with it.........maybe a month. Then it's back to the warm weather for me!

  14. I'm jealous! We had a dusting last week, but it was only on cars and mailboxes and roofs. Nothing on the ground. My tree out front hasn't even lost all it's leaves.


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