
Double Flips - WIP 01/25/08

Here is my progress, as you can see, Im as far as I can go for now (well except for the border). Im stitching this all in DMC, and its really making the colors pop. Thanks for letting me share, I hope I have enabled someone.

For those not aware, Lizzie*Kate is offering a series this year, rather than months its to do with 12 inspirational sayings. Its called Double Flips.


  1. Beautiful start !!! The colors are really nice!

  2. Kim, looking good! Debra in Indiana

  3. I received my charts and thread pack yesterday...and of course I have no fabric long enough in my stash so I will have to order some or do two on one piece, two on another..and so on until I get them done. But I'm leaning towards ordering fabric so that all the words are on one piece...love this one!

  4. These are gorgeous Kim!

  5. They are looking good ! I'm hoping mine come next week, but like others have said, I don't think I have fabric long enough. Maybe I'll do small pillows.

  6. they look great Kim! Amazing how much nicer things look stiched than in pictures!!!

  7. Kim, you are making me want these patterns! Bad enabling Kim! Bad Kim! ;o)

  8. It's looking awesome Kim!!!! Great job!!! Can't wait to watch your progress on them!!!

  9. Kim, they look great - it's nice to see them stitched in DMC - I like it!! Sharon M


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~