
Looking for...

Size 28 Petite Needles...

Recently I had the opportunity to purchase some size 28 petite needles from someone on the 123 Message board. The lady had purchased them in bulk, and I was able to get 25 of them. Well, my supply is starting to dwindle down. And I want more! I have fallen in love with these needles, and I would love to get more. If you have some that you don't want, or its just not your thing.. I would love to take them off your hands!

You can just post a comment and I can get ahold of you, if not, you can email me.. my email is on my profile page. And we can work something out! I really appreciate it! Can exchange a QSnap Hugger, if you like :)

Thanks much!


  1. hey Kim, I think I have some .. let me check and I'll email you

  2. I didn't even know they made 28 petites. I'll have to check them out.

  3. Kim,

    My LNS carries them and I love them. If you would like, I could always pick you up some. Just email at mdfiregal@yahoo.com




Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~