
Joy Ornament - LK FINISH

WOW, what can I say.... WHAT A GAME! I have to say, Im so glad the Giants WON! I was yelling so hard at the end, it was amazing!

Another reason I was yelling, is cause I had a start and a finish during the game! How cool is that!. I started and finished the "Joy" from Lizzie*Kate, from the '07 JCS Christmas edition mag.

10 minutes before we left, I was trying to find something to stitch, and I came up with this ornament.... even had to find the fabric and fray check the sides... and find all the threads, and we were off to BIL's house.

So it took me less than 3 hrs to stitch this baby, but that included time to eat, drink and watch the game of course!

I stitched it on a piece of remnant linen I had here. It appears to be 32ct, and I stitched it with DMC floss.


  1. So glad that the Giants won...great job on the project..you are so speedy!!!

  2. this is a cute one! congrats on the finish

  3. Very cute and a very quicl stitch

  4. Very nice little finish...couldn't stitch during the game...still can't believe my Pats lost!

  5. Oh that is so cute. Can't remember seeing it in the mag....I really should pay more attention!


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