Rule: You must answer the questions using only one word. Then tag four others.
1. Where is your cell phone? Purse
2. Your significant other? Brian
3. Your hair? Dark
4. Your mother? Sharon
5. Your father? Dean
6. Your favorite thing? Computer
7. Your dream last night? Good
8. Your favorite drink? Water
9. Your dream/goal? Children
10. The room you're in? Kitchen
11. Your hobby? CrossStitch
12. Your fear? Clowns
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
14. What you're not? Rich
15. Muffins? Banana
16. One of your wish list items? Money
17. Where you grew up? Winchester
18. The last thing you did? Shopped
19. What are you wearing? Shorts
20. Favorite gadget? Mp3Player
21. Your pets? None
22. Your computer? Laptop
23. Your mood? Happy
24. Missing someone? Yes
25. Your car? Explorer
26. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
27. Favorite store? WalMart
28. Like someone? Yes
29. Your favorite color? Browns
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31 Last time you cried? Tuesday
I am not going to tag anyone in particular but if you want to have fun - you're tagged!
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