
Stars & Stripes....Forever Take 2!

I have been wanting to do one more table runner to have for a silent auction item for Dad's benefit on the 13th. Well, I knew the perfect one to do.

Since the days are going by fast, and the benefit is getting closer. I finished up - well not totally finished, as I just have the binding to hand stitch - the Stars & Stripes .... Forever table runner that I designed for the Shop Hop that happen last May. You can find the pattern here - Stars & Stripes Forever

So, that is what I have been doing today.


  1. The S&S table runner looks great !

  2. It's beautiful, Kim. Well done!!

  3. WOW! That is an awesome runner. Great job.

  4. Lovely! I hope it raises a ton of money.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~