
Started on another quilt project

I took the time today to cut out a new quilt project. Its called Calais II. I got all the pieces cut out. But I'm not going to make the whole quilt. I'm going to take off a row on the right, and bottom. Its suppose to be 70 X 70", but I'm making it as a model for the quilt shop.

I have to say - something was not right some where.

The cutting instructions are not correct on this pattern. For one of the fabrics, I needed 26 - 4 1/2" squares, but I was only able to get 24 with the amount of fabric I had. (And I did the math, and with the amount fabric that I was to have, it still wasn't enough.) And also, I have to check the pattern to the bolts when I go to work soon. I personally think that the fabric on the bolts are wrong, or the fabrics on the pattern are wrong. (I'm thinking its the bolt that was wrong {wrong description}). Next time I'm checking the salvages for the info of the fabric. Cause I have some of the colors that I cut from the bolt, that are not the correct fabric to the directions. And what I had done was label the salvages with the letter of fabric that it belong too. But it should all work in the end.

Its crazy, I say!

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