
Christmas Ornament Exchange

Yesterday was opening day of the Christmas Exchange that I participated in with a group of ladies, on the BC_Trilogy Yahoo Group.

Irene sent to me. And when I found out who I was receiving from when the package arrived, I knew I would love it! Last night after I got home from work, I opened up my envelope to find inside this ADORABLE, SO DARN CUTE, little ornament. Its so stinking cute! Its now hanging in the kitchen from the knob on the cabinet door.

Irene, thanks for spending the time to stitch and finish your ornament for you. You must have had a heck of a time parting with it!

I had Julie's name, and for her exchange I was told that she loves Men - (snowmen and gingerbread men). So, I thought humm, I think I will stitch a gingerbread man, since I don't stitch them very often. So I found the perfect pattern to use. I used two of the gingerbread men from Gingerbread Trio by Little House Needleworks. I thought what could I stitch for the back, and I thought, another gingerbread man! So I did.

I LOVE how it turned out. I had a blast making it. For Julie, I had some gingerbread man fabric, so I made up a QSnap Hugger for her to grace her qsnap. :)


  1. Both ornaments are sooo adorable!!!

  2. Both ornaments are AWESOME!!!!

  3. So glad you like him. Yes, I had a very hard time parting with him, but I'm expecting his friend to join me next year :)

  4. I love my ornie and my q-snap hugger Kim! Thank you so much! I'll think of you every year when I hang my man on the tree!!! LOL!


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