As I type this from the kitchen table of the inlaws... thank goodness for wireless internet, from our house!
I just finished up the dishes from the supper I made. I love playing Betty Homemaker, helping and caring for people. Now I know what you people feel like when you are surviving on 3 hrs of sleep, and your agenda keeps flying past you.
Well, we are home. As in *we* - MIL is home. We left about 12:45 this afternoon, stopped and picked up my BIL & SIL.. and off to the hospital we went.
We got MIL in my Explorer, and back to home we came. I went home to take some groceries home (like we really needed any, as we are staying here for a few days, and leaving this weekend for my parents). But I came back and made us Spaghetti. I even made a plate for FIL as he is a picky eater, and he returned his plate to me all clean. (I was expecting him not to eat it, as MIL didn't prepare it for him.. big pat on the back for me!)
Well I'm going to finish up this post, and probably go and work on a little something I started yesterday, and hoped to have finished..... but something interrupted that finish.
Thanks to the ones that left a comment and the emails. Its wonderful to know that people care!
On the ride back, the guys were even asking MIL what she has planned for next year, as this is her 3rd breakage in the past 3 years.
Another OMG ! 3 breaks in as many years !!! Has she been tested for Osteo ?