
The year of the B.A.P.s!

Everyone it seems is setting goals for the year... well I guess I will jump on that bandwagon too!

I know I have already commited myself to the following projects (which were carried over from 2008)

  • Inspirations
  • Cabin In the Woods
  • Quilt Alphabet Sampler (QAS)

Starting today - I start a new BAP (for those that dont know it means- BIG A$$ Project).

Begin -

  • Christmas Double Flips by Lizzie*Kate - have the patterns, just need to stitch them.
  • Season of Change by Bent Creek - I missed the SAL recently, and I really want to stitch it.
  • Halloween Double Flips by Lizzie*Kate - just waiting for them to be released.
    • So, you can see, Im going to be busy for awhile, and won't be complaining that I have nothing to work on! Heck, this isnt even counting the quilt projects I have brewing in the head..LOL


    1. GREAT projects coming up!! You finished some beautiful pieces in 08!

    2. Kim...can't wait to see them stitched up!! I am such a bad influence on you!!!

    3. I love them both, but especially WH--phew--quite a few people beginning HAEDs now. Amazing commitment!


    Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~