
Quaker Seasons WIP

Here is Quaker Seasons - I absolutely enjoy stitching on this! Hate having the frog visiting so much! And its my own fault, always is..he he.

But here is my progress up till this afternoon.

Been thinking of taking this with me to Branson, my luck I will have it done by then. Leave April 16th.


  1. I love this one Kim...I've been thinking about purchasing it :)
    Yours is gorgeous!

  2. Your work is gorgeious!! Katie's still cross-stitching when she's not busy with school activities and working (she's got a job now) but she is still plugging away at it and she said it relaxes her!!

    All of the stuff you've done lately is amazing!!

  3. I really like the colors on your WIP. It looks great.

    I gave you an award on my blog.

  4. This is gorgeous! Despite the frogs, you've made some awesome progress on this!

  5. It looks just gorgeous!!!! Can';t wait to see you in Branson!!

  6. This is a lovely piece Kim and nice colours too.


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