
Happy Father's Day in Heaven, Dad

Dad, first, Happy Father's Day!

Dad, this will be our first Father's Day without you. I still miss you with all my being, although I know that you are in a much better place. It has been a rough four months without you. So many thing have happened that I wish you would of been here for.

I think most people stop celebrating this day after their father has died but I will mark this day. Each and every year. Like it or not, I can't pretend Father’s Day won’t bring a flood of memories to the surface.

Dear Dad,

For all the help you always were. For loving me unconditionally, for being an example I can hold high to live by (even as a daughter). For being the most awesome provider, father, friend and helper. For strong shoulders and being the one man in my life that loved me no matter what!

I love you. I will always miss you, until one day when we can reunite with our Heavenly Father. I pray every day that He takes good care of you, for me (I know He is).

Everyone misses you - and we have so much to look forward to seeing your name once again, being memorialized. I hope you can hear us saying "hi" to you everytime we stop by your grave. The grandkids really miss you, frankly we all really miss you.

Someone told us that our first Father's Day with out you will be the hardest. And here it is. And I'm heartbroken.

The memories will never leave me. The laughter, the joy, the good, and the bad. We pulled through it all, except when it was time for you to leave. But you haven't really left us, Dad. You will always be thought about every second, minute, week and month of every year. I love you very much. It's just not fair that your golden heart gave up.

All our love....

If you're reading this and you have your Father in your life...take every single moment to let him know what he means in your life. I praise God that I did. God Bless All Fathers.

The picture of my Dad and I was taken 17 days before my Dad died. And two days later I had seen him for the last time. And I will forever remember my last hug from him. Love you, Dad!


  1. Kim, I am just crying reading this and am still so very sorry for your loss. What a blessing to have had such a strong male influence in your life. You are very blessed. I know you heart is hurting today and I will be thinking of you! Isn't it good to know we will see our loved ones again in heaven! God Bless!

  2. I totally feel the same...It was a VERY hard day for me today. Yesterday Icould feel that he was there. It felt like if I would turn the corner and he would be standing there.
    We stopped by dad today and dropped off some flowers, it breaks my heart when I hear my girls say,"Bye Grandpa, we love you!" He was such a wonderful person and father. I miss him so much.:(

  3. Kim, I, too, share in this. My dad passed away 6 years ago and not a day goes by that I don't think about him, watching things around me go on and he's not here to help me enjoy those moments, or basically just picking up the phone and telling him that I love him. I did go to the cemetery on Father's Day and placed some roses for him. It's the least I can do. Due to cemetery rules I'm unable to put flowers at his grave for his birthday, or my parents anniversary. Just know you're not alone with this.

  4. You are right in continuing to celebrate Father's day...good for you putting your feelings down in writing and honoring your dad!!!

  5. Hugs Kim, it's been 9 years since I lost my father and I miss him just as much today.


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