
What. A. Day!

Well, something so simple you would think, wouldn't take you several hours to get done.

I worked on the 1st block of the BearPaw Sampler... and let me just tell you. ARGH!! The cuts are well, umm alittle off. (Not sure if I can say its the mistake of the author, or the over looking on my part, but for this time I will blame myself.) Me being the beginner/novice/intermediate (depending on the project), found myself ripping out the half square triangles (HST), on like 32 squares after I had 16 of them sewn together. To find out that what I really needed to do is draw a line, and sew on each side of the line, and then cut out on the line. Well, no, I had to take the long way around and surely learn my lesson, once I hit the 2 1/2" block. (Insert aggravated words here). What I really needed were the directions!! But remember there are no directions, just the cuts dimensions.

Well, I had to rip all the HSTs apart, and then resew them a 1/4" on the inside of the previous sewn line. Then I had to recut the 1/4" mistake, to make the half triangle to be 2 1/2".

Confused yet... don't worry, I thought it thru and did alittle testing and I was correct in my figuring out to make the HST smaller. So for next time, I need to just draw a line, sew on either sides of the line, and walla! I will end up with 2 HST, when I only need one. Oh well, this is where another project will come in handy.

So, here is the first of the set of 12 blocks.

This is "Block 1" - no special name, just "Block 1", umm block that was labeled 1, and the first block to get finished.


  1. Looks pretty good to me !

  2. That looks beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing the otherf blocks.


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