

That's what my life has been lately. And really there isn't much to show for it. Well there is, but you know what I mean.

I have had the past 3 days off, and its been spent either on the computer darn Facebook, cleaning, working on making more bags for people, or yesterday was spent going to Iron Mountain to do some shopping.

Today I finished up 3 bags for people. The two pink John Deere bags are for a coworker, and the Dale Jr bag is for a friend of my sister. I do have more requested bag I wanna get finished before this weekend.

As far as cross stitching... whats that?! LOL I did manage to put in about 20 stitches in the Lizzie Kate Boo club.. Pumpkins the other night.

We are finally getting our summer, and I HATE it! The trees are starting to change around the area too now.. bring on Autumn!

Well now I'm tired, so instead of dinner, I'm taking a nap..LOL

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Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~