
1st Snowfall of '09

Just went outside and took some pictures of what it looks like around our yard. Your welcome to some, bring own shovel!


  1. The snow is beautiful, we rarely have snow in North Texas. If I had a shovel I'd be on my way to pick some up.


  2. The snow is so beautiful, especially the first snowfall of the season. But I wont be coming to get some, CT gets enough as it is, lol

  3. I am so not ready for that kind of weather! It looks pretty, though!

  4. It looks so nice right where it is !

  5. alondra's dad texted me yesterday that it was snowing in wisconsin [coz he lives there] but i didnt think it would be so much!! it looks so pretty!!!!
    i hope it snows this year in las vegas too .. but it doesnt look like it will according to the weather guy

  6. I hope that white stuff stays north of the IL/WI border. It's just way too early for that stuff.

  7. Oh my goodness, we are lucky if we get snow in January February and then it usually looks like icing sugar!!

  8. Hey Kim! Your snow is so pretty, please do keep it to yourself - LOL:)

    Sweet Stitchin...


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