
Director's Dream - Wisconsin Quilt Blocks on Barns, Block of the Week

I really enjoyed putting this block together, till I get to piecing the parts together. Then, I had to rip out since I wasn't getting the corners to line up. But I love the results!

I the colors of this block.

Block #16 – Director's Dream - Green County
Pattern is here - Director's Dream

Find out more about the "Wisconsin Quilt Blocks on Barns, Block of the Week" @ Cre8tive Quilter


  1. I think this is one of my absolute favorites!! Mine didn't match up the first time either. I had to go back and rip a little and then it was awesome!

  2. I love this block and the colors are amazing.

  3. even if it was a pain, it turned out so pretty.

  4. It's gorgeous! Well worth the annoyance.


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