
Stewie - 13 weeks old

WOW, what a joy having a dog in our house, it has been. I ♥ having Stewie!! Its been a eye opener as far as getting up and taking care of someone (yes, I consider him a person too). And also, I love shopping for the little guy!

Tomorrow, Stewie will be 3 months old. He has lived with us now for 5 weeks. Tomorrow will be his 17th day to work with me! Yes, Stewie has become the "resident dog" at the nursing home I work at. I can not go out of the unit I work in, with out getting the question.. "Where's Stewie?" (Now if he would just earn his own paycheck.. Puppy Chow would be nice too.. he he.) But seriously, all the attention from both the residents and staff is all worth bringing him every day with me. Its not much work, as I have a few residents I can leave him with, and I dont have to worry.

He has been an absolute joy. He loves being outside, he loves sleeping at my feet. I have to be in bed, or he will start whining, if he is in his crate at night.

He loves his rawhide chew bone. My husband and Stewie have alittle game the like to play on the living room floor. Stewie loves the attention we give him.


  1. How could anyone not love that little face. He is just such a cutie. I feel the same way about my pup Maggie. She just turned 9 months and she's so much joy to have around.


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