
Exciting news...

First off, Stewie has 7 more siblings!! My sister's dog, Ella gave birth to 5 girls, 2 brothers this afternoon.


I found a link (thanks Elaine!) on my Facebook page about a month ago about entering Stewie in a contest. It was being sponored by Woman's Day - it was called "Pets In Football Gear"

So, I entered his pic - this one

And I received this email today...

Hi Kim!!

We LOVE Stewie, and have chosen you as the winner of the Pets In Football Gear Contest.

STEWIE WON! OMG!! He won a $150 prize "bucket" from Harry Barker! Not sure if he will in the Woman's Day magaizine yet. Will keep you posted. :)


  1. Congratulations Stewie!

    You are sure a cutie!

  2. Way to go Stewie I knew you'd win. Now that you are famous will you still hang out with the rest of us?

  3. Woot Stewie!! Congrats on your win :)

  4. Congratulations, Stewie! It's an adorable picture.


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