
Patriotic Challenge - 05.30.11 Part 1

Ever buy anything that when you see it, it brings the "mojo" back? But when you get it home, you've lost the "mojo".

Well, I have created the "Patriotic Challenge". I had seen this David Textile pattern online, and then I found all the fabrics to go with it at WalMart! WalMart had it has their project of the month, I was happy and minutes later the bolts where in my cart. (I know, some of you cringe when you hear buying fabric at WalMart - but its David Textile - you can get the same stuff at a quilt store for more!)

So, being Memorial Day today - I have challenged myself to a "Patriotic Challenge". My challenge to myself, is to get the quilt top DONE by another patriotic holiday - July 4th.

Crazy of me? Nah, I think I will be successful. I need to get back into the quilting again - need to prioritize my time more - cut out the silly tasks I do (like play games on Facebook... LOL)

Ok, on my marks, get cutting, PATRIOTIC CHALLENGE has begun!

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing wrong with playing games on Facebook!!! Good luck on your Challenge!


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