
Cabin In The Woods - WIP 04.27.13

Its been a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng winter, and I think it showed in my stitching (which Im pretty dang exicted!).  I finished up another row on Cabin, and Ive moved up to start working on the final row, only FIVE pages to go!!  33,250 stitches to go!!  Ive already completed 135,800 stitches into Cabin!  I have 76% of the design stitched, with 24% to go!

Here is what it looked like the other day when I had to take it off the QSnaps to adjust to the stitching area.  I did finish off the corner with stitching.

And here is what it looks like right now, with the rest of the stitches put in, and Im onto a new page.


  1. It is looking great Kim!

  2. Oh my gosh that is turning out beautiful! I absolutely love this design and you are doing a wonderful job. Maybe someday I'll be able to see it in person. :) I'm having trouble staying motivated with my HAED pieces. (my pirate kitty and Halloween fairy). I really want to get them stitched but it seems like there is a lot of confetti stitching and they're so big it seems like I don't make much progress. I can't do the parking stitching. It's just too confusing. Lol So...any advice, hints, secrets, etc to stick with them?


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~