
Cabin The Woods - COMPLETED 11.11.13

ITS DONE!!  I cant believe it!!  I have truely enjoyed stitching and looking forward to starting another BAP!!  WOOT WOOT

Cabin in the Woods - Heaven And Earth Designs - Began on 07/17/2008 Completed 11/11/13 (dont worry there were months of not working on design, especially in the summers). Measures 14" X 19 1/2" Stitched on 25ct, over one, with one strand of thread. Thank you to Vickie for always asking about Cabin and giving me the inspiration to keep at it. THANK YOU VICKIE!!


Cabin In The Woods - WIP 06.29.13

I had to take the Cabin off the QSnap to show Vickie, who was vacationing in Wisconsin a week ago.  We met up for a few hours, and did some shopping.  I had to pick up some much needed DMC floss to finish up on Cabin.

So, here is the updated view of cabin... and I have to say I havent stitched on it in almost 2 weeks!  Love the progress, as I finished up another page since the last post.


Cabin in The Woods - WIP 06.07.13

With the weather warming up, and the need to be outside has struck.  My stitching has been suffering.  But that is good... I think.. LOL

I just finished page 1 on Cabin, and as you can see have alot already stitched on page 2.  I have 26 out of the 30 pages completed.  Where the stitching ends on the right is the end of page 2.  LOTS of confetti stitching going on... and I even found myself frogging as I had not marked off a stitched square on my pattern and it through me off.  But its all good now. :)


Cabin In The Woods - WIP 04.27.13

Its been a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng winter, and I think it showed in my stitching (which Im pretty dang exicted!).  I finished up another row on Cabin, and Ive moved up to start working on the final row, only FIVE pages to go!!  33,250 stitches to go!!  Ive already completed 135,800 stitches into Cabin!  I have 76% of the design stitched, with 24% to go!

Here is what it looked like the other day when I had to take it off the QSnaps to adjust to the stitching area.  I did finish off the corner with stitching.

And here is what it looks like right now, with the rest of the stitches put in, and Im onto a new page.


Getting Old! Lizzie*Kate Finish

Last year, I signed up to be apart of Sarah's Traveling Pattern.  We receive the pattern, stitch it, and send it on to the next person.

I received the pattern from Mouse (UK)  and I get to send it to Judith in Germany.  Here is the list of stitchers that have/will be participating in the Traveling Pattern

I stitched with DMC on 32ct scrap of linen I had here.  Not sure how Im going to finish.


Cabin In The Woods - WIP 02.07.13

Here is the next installment picture of Cabin... stitching right along!!  I hope this ambition keeps kicking my butt to stitch on it!! LOL


Cabin In The Woods - WIP 01.01.13

I have to say first off, its amazing how much stitching I have accomplished in the past 12 days (and I didnt stitch every day)!!  Having to stitch the star slowed me down with all the colors changes, but having lots of solid colors in the blues is making the stitching enjoyable!

Here is my updated progress of Cabin  -- appx 3300 stitches since 12 days ago!!