I had to work today. Had a nice day. Right before lunch, my coworker Linda came in, and gave me 3 hugs. One for the loss of my Grandma, one for my birthday, and one for just for being me.. LOL. And later (before lunch) she came in with a resident that plays the piano, and next there is a small cake, and the resident is playing Happy Birthday on the piano. It was really nice for them to do that. I had the Nacho BellGrande that I bought last night to eat today for lunch so it was a nice birthday lunch.
For supper, another coworker ordered a pizza for our dinner, and another one ordered a combo basket. So I had yummy bday dinner. I came home to find my bday presents from Brian on the table. I got a 8 qt Roaster Oven (which I have been eyeing myself :)), money, a birthday cake, and an apple cinnamon pie! And a beautiful birthday card, from Brian.
Also I had the excitement (last night) of openning some cards from some friends on a Yahoo group, ILCS.
Brian gave me permission to open my birthday cards last night, since I had to work all day today. It is so cool to open up those birthday cards, and have Brian watch, with a smile on his face. His response to this was... "...wow, you have alot of friends that care about you..." DUH! I dont go on the computer for nothing when I do.. I got on to check to see what is going on in everyone else's lives.
Thanks to you all for the cards and the following:
Linda ~ for the charms, and the 2 DMC floss
Nann ~ for the small kit, 3 DMC floss, and the DreamswithAngel Seafoam Pink floss (just lovely)
Shari ~ for the 2 DMC floss (and the something extra, that I had no idea was in the separate envelope)
Katrina ~ for the DMC Floss
Mylene ~ for the DMC Floss and SSS floss and the beautiful stitched "K" card.
Idza ~ for the 2 DMC floss
Eva ~ for the 2 DMC floss
Judith ~ for the beautiful stitched card, and the 2 DMC floss
Krystyl ~ for the DMC floss
Karin ~ for the 2 DMC floss
Marta ~ for the DMC floss
Vicky ~ for the DMC floss
Sandy ~ for the DMC floss
Cindy ~ for the 2 DMC floss
Thanks ladies! You really made my birthday!
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