
ILCS Retreat Nametag Finish

In prep of the retreat that Im attending with my stitching friends from ILCS in Omaha, NE next month, we were giving a name tag pattern to stitch for the retreat. I started this cute finish last night, which was designed by one of the members. I had to chart out my name. Of course I just had to have the "-"'s.. LOL. I backstitched all around and it really brings it all out! I have a tag holder that this nametag will be placed in, so I can wear it at the retreat. WOOHOO, one month and 5 days left!


  1. Looks great! As I was looking at it before I read the post I wondered if you had done backstitching...it really makes it stand out.

    I know you're getting excited!


  2. Kim,
    Wow it is really cute! Your going to have so much fun at the retreat. I hope you have lots of pics to share.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~