

My completed models!

If you follow my blog, you may have seen recently that I finished a model (actually 2 models.), and said I would post a pic of the model when Im given permission to release it.

Well, I have been given permission from Patty at Moonflower Designs to post the models I have stitched for her to be released in the near future.

I first stitched the orange/redish color daffodil first, sent it back to the designer, and she asked if I would be interested in stitching the same design, but with a different color. The orange/redish finish took me a week to stitch, but I was alittle slower time to stitch the brown daffodil, as I was working on a friends quilt project, so the stitching got put on the backburner so to say.

Below are some additional pics of the models - just click on the pics to make them bigger :)

1 comment:

  1. Those are gorgeous! Much prettier than my blizzard scene I was imagining.

    I can't decide which one I like better, they are both great!

    Great stitching as always :)


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