
Cross Stitch Quilt - Wedding Gift

Earlier this year I was asked if I would be willing to help with making a quilt for a cross stitch friend, who got married yesterday. This quilt was part of an Angel Project that a cross stitching group Im involved in, does for other group members. We sign up to stitch a design for the cause, and its then sent to the person receiving the Angel project.

Of course I agreed, and in September I received the blocks from 12 other stitchers, and some money to use to put the quilt together. I just did the basic quilt design.

I added the buttons to the quilt so that maybe some of the party favors from the wedding can be hung on the quilt.
I used curtain rings to hang the quilt.

The quilt has been received by the bride and she loved it! So Im happy for that! :) She stated that it will be hung in their bedroom.

Please excuse the picture with me in it.. LOL It was pretty late that night, and I had even worked at the quilt shop that day (my first day), so I was pretty whooped!

Been asked to stitch on another model.. WOOHOO! As far as the week to come - I have to work Mon, Tues, at the nursing home. Wed - Bri has a dr appt, and going shopping afterwards (Yeah!), Thurs work at the quilt shop, and Friday Im off.. not sure of the plans yet. Work Sat, and then Im off for my birthday! YEA!.. LOL I was suppose to work but I asked a coworker if she could work for me on Sunday and I would work for her on Monday.. and she said "Ok" So plans for my bday so far is to go to my favorite resturant in Long Lake, but Bri is hinting about going to Iron Mountain to go to our 2nd favorite resturant.. and so he can get me something for my bday..... Men!... LOL


  1. what a lovely keepsake, you did a great job finishing it into a quilt.Have a great birthday.

  2. What a beautiful keepsake!

  3. It was hardly known to me how good the effects could come of when Photos to canvas were made. Once the professionals engaged in this field depicted and showed me the minute details I decided to make myself skillful to the same profession. Since then have given so many people these as gifts and how well they are appreciated.


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