
Finish - "Winter Wonderland" LHN

Would you believe I started this umm 3 nights ago! And as of this morning, I only had the snowman, 2 of the snowflakes, all the snow, the bunnies, and the tree trunks stitched.. and well I took off from there! It was a STITCHFUL day!.. LOL

This is called - "Winter Wonderland" from Little House Needleworks, stitched on 28ct Misty Blue linen. Stitched with DMC floss. I actually started this design out 3 times! First the 712 just wasnt bright enough on the first color of fabric I had used. Then I started over again with 3865 to be the white... then it was the fabric, just wasnt going to do. So I found this piece of Misty Blue linen, and gave it a try! I also subsituted a few other colors for the green, the blue, and the brown. Here is the result! :) I love it!


  1. Waouuuh your WW is superb… bravo !!!
    I think me also ordering and embroidering it very soon…

  2. Very cute! I keep talking myself out of buying this one ... *lol* ... but I love it so.

  3. Wow Winter Wonderland looks fantastic! I am intent on ordering this with my birthday discount next month or asking Santa (DH) for it!

  4. Wonderful!!! What a great pattern and how cool you have it finished and can it enjoy it the whole winter season!!!

  5. Great finish! Congrats. I may have to put this on my wish list.

  6. Its so cute - lovely stitching.

  7. I haven't seen this design before,it is so sweet and you stitch so fast

  8. Oh Kim! It's GORGEOUS! I really need to get that pattern :o)


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