
Blog Hopping

I just got done blog hopping, and while I was going from blog to blog, leaving comments that I neglected to do. I had these thoughts running thru my head, and I wanted to share.

I love to read all your blogs and see what everyone else is doing. At times its like peeking into someone's diary - how they are feeling, what they did for the day, what they are working on, their likes and dislikes, and of course all the enabling that is going on (stop that!). I love to read about all the wonderful things and even the not so happy times, that tug at our heartstrings. I love to get inspiration from the WIP's I see being worked upon. Enabled by seeing the completed design. Reading blogs lift my spirits. I love seeing the signs of springs showing among some of the blogs - while we just got snow the other day. For some, blogs are our lifeline to the world. We enjoy reading about others, and other's enjoy reading about us - taking the time to comment and show that they are there.

And another thing, the friendships I have found within the blogging world. Thank you so much for being a friend!!

Thanks to all that share their life with us. It is very much appreciated!!


  1. Well done on your post!! There are not enough hours in the day for blog hopping IMO.

    It is delightful to spot projects in the works & keep checking back for progress : )

    Sharing needlechat is THE BEST

  2. Hi Kim,
    Just dropped by to say loved catching up on your blog, yes life does get crazy sometimes, I fixed cabbage and corned beef tonight. I saw your picture and it made me want some! haha. hope you don't work too hard!

  3. I also love blog reading...sometimes I forget to comment but I always check in on you!!

  4. Hi Kim, Great post! One of my favorite things to do is read blogs! :-)

  5. I agree with you Kim. Each Blog is a private spot for each of us. It's a safe haven where we can go and write what's on our minds. Even my parents will read stuff about me they don't know about. Sometimes it's just easier to write then speak what's on your mind :o)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~