
Where is Kim?!

So... what has been happening, you might be wondering? Was I stitching up a storm? Umm, no. Was I wiping out another quilt? Umm, no. What the heck have I been doing then?!?

Well - Work has been very grueling and draining on me lately - very hectic and busy, since my employer had to make a cut in the nursing staff, do to low census. Which leaves me to defend order, in a very tense environment. When I come home at night - I'm very tired and wound up. It takes alot of time for me to destress, and so that leaves me no time for stitching. It has not been fun, and I believe it will not be better soon, anytime soon.

I haven't even been able to take the time lately to go blog hopping and leave comments on other blogs. I feel so bad. But I gotta have alittle me time, especially lately!

So I have been spending lots of time on the computer lately. Getting ready for the ILCS 2007 Retreat in Indianapolis in June. All day Sunday, you can say, I was emailing designers and requesting if they would be willing to send us a donation to be used as prizes for our retreat. I have to say - I have met alot of wonderful and such giving designers that are very willing to send of their donations! I was alittle embarrassed in requesting, and I hope I didn't sound to forward on requesting. I just typed up the email as how I would want to be asked. Heck I would have donated to my request.. LOL I did include the ILCS group page - and I think that is why we have found alittle member splurge to see if this group was real. Which is GREAT! Oh and I had included my link to my blog, to show I was real. :)

Last night and this morning - I have created a webpage for the retreat - I thought that it would be very useful for to show the details in one area, rather than digging thru emails and on the group messages for info.

I have been stitching some though. And of course I was framing some projects (which are not totally done yet, but I will share in the future what I have done).

I have been working on the "Garden Of Life" from Blackbird Designs. Working on the RR for Debra - which is the Margaret Sherry 's 12 Days of Christmas - I'm doing block 8 - 8 Maids a Milking. This morning I printed out the biscornu pattern I wish to stitch for the retreat. So I will be stitching that up soon.

So that is alittle update about me. I hope not to be too absent from now on.


  1. By all means, take some time for yourself!! Thanks again for creating the webpage. It's great!!

  2. breathe Kim, breathe!!!!!!

  3. I luv that Blackbird project you are stitching! Go you : )

    I"ll have to swing by your website for the ILCS 2007 --


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Its means alot! I ♥ getting comments! Thanks, ~Kim~