
Shade Cascade Quilt Top Finish

I would have had this quilt top finished last night (which I started on it yesterday)... but I spent alittle too much time on the computer chatting with my peeps (Hi Girls!!) (but socializing is better!). So I excused myself, and went working on the quilt top. Way early morningLast night, I finished up the blocks, which are actually quarter log cabin blocks.

This morning I got up early.. cause I was super hyped about finishing the quilt top and sat down and finished piecing the quilt together.

I LOVE the colors, and the design just rocks!! The pattern is called Shade Cascade by Karen Combs for Blank Quilting. You can find the pattern online here.

This quilt top is "mine" but I do need to take it to the quilt shop for display - to feature the quilt pattern, and the fabrics we have for the pattern. I will get the quilt top back when the fabric has either sold out, or we are tired of looking at the quilt. LOL

Sorry for the picture... I thought it would to cool to hang it out on the line - to catch the natural light.. but dang was it windy..LOL

Get to start something new.. and I have something in mind.. off to do some errands.


Believe Model for Glory Bee

In March, I had seen a post on the 123 MB asking for model stitchers. So I thought I would send an email, and let the designer know I was interested in model stitching for them, and to let me know if she was interested.

I did get a reply back saying that she wanted to use me for sure.. and Im so thankful! I love model stitching!! I stitched for Nancy of Glory Bee.

This is my first model for Glory Bee. Its called "Believe", when I first seen it when it arrived, I just chuckled at the saying. I had taken this model with me to Rochester the first time, and I spent alot of waiting time stitching on it. I even had someone come up to me and ask me what I was doing. I showed her, and she read the saying and just laughed and said... "that is so true!"

I just had to stitch the model, and Nancy attached the buttons. I think it turned out so darn cute!!
Im very happy to show you the model of Believe by Glory Bee.

I was cruising 123 MB after dinner, and I came across a post from Nancy about inviting to see her new designs.... so I had a look and found my model on her blog. I have included the link to her post about the design.

I see a quilt top coming on..

I designated today as, "get to start something 'new' day". So I thought I would start on a quilt top. So I have decided to start on Shade Cascade by Karen Combs for Blank Quilting.

I'm using the Woodland Versions of the pattern, so I have the Spice, Sage, and Sky fabrics all cut up and ready to go!

I did find an "opps" on the pattern.. for those doing a search and looking to see if you are reading it wrong... yep you are (or atleast I am). The last cutting of Fabric C (Spice) (Dark Value) should be (4) (not 3) 2 1/2"strips. You are not going to get your full 2 1/2" X 8 1/2" cuts... maybe you would if you cut the 8 1/2" strips first, but they don't tell you that. So word of caution.

Off to bond with the Brother (sewing machine) and watch a quilt top grow!


Sarah's SFE was received

I have received word that Sarah received her SFE that I made for her. I used the cow from the Cow design by Bent Creek, and I made it into a pillow.

Sarah's theme was "whimsical cows"

WOOHOO!! Another model finished

I have another model that I finished, but I cant share any pics till its released. I love how it turned out, and I look forward to stitching it again!! I would have had it done last week, but I ran out of floss, and then I left for Rochester.. and left the model home.

I just spent about 30 minutes finishing it up! Its off to the designer tomorrow. Cant wait to show you the pictures!

Speaking of showing pics.. I should be having my BAP model to show soon.. was to be released in June.


Coming home..

Coming home, I thought that I would check Mapquest for a different way home... going down took 5.5 hrs, but I thought that it would be neat to see more of MN, and some of WI. I was surprised to find that it did give me a different direction on the return route.

I showed the map to my sister.. and my sister goes.. "Wabasha, thats where Grumpy Old Men takes place!" I said, when we get there, I will take a picture. So here is the picture..LOL

Stay tuned... but I gotta catch up!

Well, lets see - the last update was of my dad moving off of the ICU, and into his own room on the heart floor. Before we left, he did walk a short distance, maybe about 15 ft.

Saturday morning, Brian, Mom and I went over to the hospital to visit, and about 10:30am, Brian and I headed over to WalMart - to get a few things we needed. When we got back, Amy & the girls were at the hotel! We went to KFC for lunch, and then headed for the hospital to see Dad. Natalie and Kaylee were kinda shy - but I would be too, if I had seen the condition of the way Grandpa was, I would be shy too!! Didn't take them long to warm up.
After we left the hospital, we had to go swimming. Natalie, man that girl just jumps in the pool! We had a blast. After swimming it was back up to the room, and we got ready to go back to the hospital, and visit with Dad. When we left there, we stopped at Canadian Honker (only ate there 3 times while in Rochester... great food!!), and it was off to the hotel for S'mores! Even had Nat thinking of going down to the lobby, and asking them to turn on the fireplace so we could have S'mores around the campfire..LOL

Sunday morning we woke up, had breakfast at the hotel, and it was off to see Dad again. We left for home about 12:45pm, and pulled into our drive way at 6:45pm. Long drive!!

Talked with Dad tonight, he had his neck port removed yesterday, (which he told me that last night when we got home), and today he was told that there is something wrong with his pacemaker that he has, and they need to correct something with it before he can go home... which could be Wednesday!! GREAT NEWS!!


We've moved!

About 5:15pm tonight, the phone rang... Brian and I were taking a nap at the hotel. My Mom was calling to let us know they moved dad. He is now out of the cardiac ICU floor, and on the cardiac floor. LOTS has happen in the past 24 hrs!

He might be walking tonight yet, or tomorrow for sure! He is still groggy - we just need to remind him of things - like what day it is.. what happened and what is going on.


My dad wanted his picture taken... as you can see, no vent. We went to go visit him at 9am, and they just had removed the tube from his mouth. He woke up shortly after.

He was awake, alert and talking with us. My sister gave him some ice chips. He also found out that Brian and I were there, and had been here since Wednesday. Told him it was now Friday. He was alittle crabby..LOL My sister said that if he wanted his picture taken, he had to smile.. so here it is.

Going later to visit more, but we were told that he might sleep most of the day.


Look at this shirt we found...

Check out the shirt we found today.... Dad is going to be wearing this tshirt home.. for sure!!


I just checked the traffic for the blog... its amazing all that find this blog via other sites posting the Stars & Stripes .... Forever table runner. Cant wait to see the finished table runners!!

Milly's Angel Project Received

Milly posted that she received the Angel Project in the mail. So I'm able to post what I have been working on... since I couldn't post, and it would give it away.

So I can post it here. I was asked to finish some cross stitched blocks into a quilt. I received the blocks back in March. And in late March I sat down one Sunday and started measuring out the blocks, and getting an idea what I wanted to do. It was a math lesson that's for sure! I had about 6 pages of math going on.. figuring out every block. Once I got my set measurements I wanted... I was off and running.

As you can see, Milly's quilt was to do with Cows. So each block is a stitched cow, and I appliqued the moo on the bottom, and made the quilt top, quilted it, and did the binding. It was alot of fun, and I was very happy with the results. I hope that Milly enjoys it as much as I did. Hope those cows live happy now!


Dad Update 5/21

8:30am this morning I called into to work, I just couldnt go in...

9am - Brian and I were on the road to Rochester. We got here about 2:30pm. My sister called at noon to inform us that he was taken to surgery (my brother Scott and my sister was on their way to Rochester also). We were finally informed at 7:45pm, that the surgeon wanted to meet with us.

We met with the surgeon, and he explained all that happened. Dad is in the ICU, and we were finally able to see Dad at 10:15pm, and were with him for 45 minutes. We are back to the hotel.

Dad still has a breathing tube, and has other devices helping him. He does look good! Hopefully they will be waking him in the morning, or early afternoon.


Dad Update 5/20 Part 2

I just wanted to let you know that I had a phone call this afternoon from Amy saying that they my be moving dad's surgery to tomorrow. The surgeon was doing a heart transplant today, and they needed to wait to find out if it would happen tomorrow or not.

Mom called me about 5:45pm to confirm that he will be having surgery early afternoon tomorrow.

So PLEASE all the extra prayers would be wonderful. Will keep you posted!!

Dad Update - 5/20

Well, I cant say good or bad yet. Dad was to have surgery last Thursday, but had some urgent complications taken care of before his surgery. They got to the hospital on Sunday (Mother's Day), and on Monday someone came in and requested to look in his month. Well see in the past he had Endocarditis. Its to do with bacterial infection causing damage to the heart valves, and hence his heart surgery in 2004 for him to have a heart valve put in. Well, its actually blood poisoning, so they wanted to check his month for bad teeth or problem areas, since if he would have an infection before or during surgery - it would cause greater damage.

So instead of the surgery on Thursday - he had 9 teeth pulled instead.

Since his surgery was scheduled for Thursday, it of course had to be postponed. The surgeon was suppose to visit my dad on Sunday, but didn't. Dad was told that he could have surgery on Monday or Wednesday of this week.

The surgeon came by yesterday (Mon) to check out my dad and talk with him. The surgeon said to my dad "You don't realize how sick of a man you are" He preceded to tell my dad (and my mom who has been with my dad in Rochester since Wednesday). The DR stated that this is a very high risk of a surgery. It will take about 5 - 6 hrs. And there was no chance of my dad having the surgery this week - as they were booked (but if there was a cancellation, with enough time - then he would have it).

The Surgeon (according to the nurse my dad said that he was the high-risk, and the one you want), also told my dad the risk - he would be put on life support, and they would stop his heart, and do the surgery - he needs to continue to get the water off his body - and my mom said he had lost another 6lbs since yesterday.

And he also told my dad the chances - he could have a heart attack or a stroke. And there is a 60% chance that he might not make it thru the surgery. My dad told me on the phone, and you could hear the emotion in his voice. I was strong.. but as soon as I hung up the phone, I was crying.

Amy (my sister) asked me the other night about hosting a benefit for Dad, as of right now from his first 15 day stay at St. Mary's in Rochester totaled $71,000. Insurance will only cover 90%... so you can do the math of how much my parents will need to pay out of pocket. And thats not even including this stay yet.. and the surgery. My mom is staying at a hotel in Rochester with my dad. With being sick, Dad was forced into retirement from the Larsen Coop. Ive contacted Chase bank in Larsen to set up an account for donations, and Amy was heading there to set it up on paper. Amy is going to contact a lady that has hosted fundraisers in the past to see the steps of going about setting up a fundraiser/benefit for Dad.

I will keep you informed.


Dad/Me Update

I know I do spend time on the computer, but its mostly chatting with my friend in AR (Hi Vickie!)- which is a cross stitchers, and we have become very good friends. Its amazing cause I talk with her more than I do my own sister..lol. I do have alot going on ... so its either work, stitching, yard work, church, quilting, sleeping or stressing over Dad. That take up my day. Ive been contemplating quiting Netflix, as I'm not finding the time to watch the movies like I thought I would, but I guess then they are making the money off of me.. LOL But I did sit down and watch 2 movies last night - Juno, and Over Hear Dead Body. Both were good, and I have another one waiting to be scene (27 Dresses), which I will do that after I watch The Office tonight.

We leave in an hour - Brian has a DR appt in Iron Mountain, MI for a yearly check up. So that's at 1:30pm, and we stop by BK after for lunch, and then head on over to WalMart. And I will do some grocery shopping while there.. check out the fabric department. We got our stimulus check, but that went straight to the credit card to help pay off the down payment on our truck. I switched auto insurance yesterday - man oh man. I went from $488 (was just for me and my Explorer)/6 mths to $311 for me/dh, and both vehicles/6mths... for a huge savings! It sucks how the media and the government has allowed our society to be come the way it has.

Dad update -My Mom, Brother, his wife, and kids took a ride out Sunday to drop my dad off at the hospital in Rochester, and the rest drove back home. He got there was admitted, and on Monday night we had a call from my dad. He informed us that during the day, there were a couple of DRs that came in to examine his mouth. Come to find out, he had to have at least 6 teeth (mostly in the back) removed, and possibly the 4 front teeth on the bottom of his jaw. See, way back in 96 0r 97 - all I can remember it was a winter, as it was so fricken cold when he was @ Theda Clark - he had a open sore on his back that gave him a staph infection - which turned into a term called - Endocarditis. Its to do with bacterial infection causing damage to the heart valves, and hence his heart surgery in 2004 for him to have a heart valve put in.

Well fast forward to last April. (I'm assuming) With having the endocarditis - it has damaged his heart valves even more - so now they have to fix the heart valve that was replaced with a mechanical valve in '04, and replace another valve that is also leaking. So back to the teeth thing.. with having his teeth removed, they are trying to eliminate all the possible infections that would put poison in this bloodstream, and since the heart is already damaged... it would put him at a higher risk.So, last night, Dad called to report that he was getting his teeth pulled today, and his surgery will be either Monday or Tuesday now. Alot of what happens at the hospital, is mostly depended on his coumadin levels, so its safe enough to proceed.

My Mom went out there yesterday to Rochester - so she will be staying for awhile now. I know my sister and younger brother will be going when my dad has his surgery.. me I'm planning to go some day. Just with work, its hard!

Me update -Well I had to work on Sat at my fun job and I came home with 2 quilt projects to work on. I promised myself I that I wouldn't start anything new till I had another commitment to finish up. Its an Angel Quilt for a friend on one of my stitching groups, she loves cows. So I had the cross stitched quilt blocks sent me, and I put the quilt together. I have it all done (as of 1:30am, last night). I just need to do an overlook of it, and make sure no threads are needing to be cut, and I have to iron it again. Yesterday I also finished up a finish into a pillow for a friend in the UK, also a cow design..LOL Ive been stitching - but not as much as I would like. I'm still plugging away on the Double Flips from Lizzie*Kate - but I have added a word since.


Wedding Pillow Finished

I finished up the wedding gift for a wedding that we were invited to this weekend. Unfortunately we cant go, since I have to work next weekend. So I had to get it finished up, so I can get it off in the mail, so they can have it by Saturday.

Here is Wedding Spots from Trilogy, that I finished off into a pillow.

New Quilt Projects

Here are pictures of my new WIPs.. he he Yep, had to wash them.. and I LOVE hanging clothes out on the line, so off to the clothes line I went. Its was about 60 degrees, and a lite wind. It was funny as it seem like the first fabric I put up was dried by the time I pinned the last one on the clothes line.

These fabrics are going to be used with a pattern that was made with the fabrics from the company - Blank. Its called "Shade Cascade" - and Im doing the quilt with the Woodlands fabrics from the line.

I love those colors, they are so me!!

Next quilt going into the WIP process is a quilt pattern that is called "Cottage Garden" We only got about 5 of the fabrics from the line at the store, so I did some research on the internet and I found the quilt pattern for the line. So I just took the idea of the quilt colors, and I went about the fabrics and looking for fabrics that would work, and I cant wait to get started on it!!

Im really excited about these two future quilt projects!!

Stars & Stripes.... Forever Table Runner Pattern

Ok, the Quilt Shop Hop is over, so I'm posting my contributed table runner pattern that I created, and made the table runner, for you all, for FREE! Thanks to all that requested a pattern, and there were alot of them.

The pattern was given to every shop hopper that stopped by our store, and I had 6 kits made with the fabrics that I used - and every kit sold, and I made more yesterday while at the quilt shop.

My boss told me yesterday that my table runner was the favorite of many of the shop hoppers! WOOHOO, awesome news to hear!!

It was a joy to make! And it was even more fun to figure out how I'm was going to make it available to you. I have converted it into a PDF... sorry for the ad on the bottom right of the page, its there cause it has to be (too cheap to pay for it, and besides I'm offering it for free..LOL)

I have uploaded the pattern, and it looks exactly like I designed it.. that is one thing I really wanted!

So, enjoy, and if you print out the pattern, and get the time to create it, please let me know, I would love to see yours!!



Im collecting...

Ever have a time where you just sorta accumulate something?! And it sits to be waited upon. Well, in the process of decluttering the house today, I came across my Pepsi tops that I need to type the code in. Well I had already done some a couple weeks ago and I asked my coworkers if they could help me out. And this is one of the bags I got today.. and it had all these tops in them! WOOHOO!!

My sister collects the Coke points, and I do the Pepsi points.

P.S., always collecting codes/points! Thanks!!


Vickie's & Mare's SFE

OMG, are they cute!

I was aware of the SFE that Vickie had done for me, but since I got it in my hands. I love it even more!! It so darn cute! Instead of stitching the little house, she stitched the whole design! How cool was that!

And Mare's.. oh my, I almost jumped when I opened it up! It played music! Too fricken cute! I even took these over to my inlaws to show them.

Thanks ladies!! This has been a wonderful exchange, thanks so much for starting out the exchange on a great success!!

The question was...

What is the name of the town and state that the tv show The Office takes place??


WIKB which every morning has a daily call in show, where you can offer something for sale, looking for something, or just to ask a question. Well this morning I was ironing, and I had the radio on, and of course tuned into Telephone Time. I was half listening, and I just had heard the last part of the question, and that the prize offered was for Bev's Supper Club between Florence and Crystal Falls. So I went online to look up the phone number for the radio station. Started dialing. Busy. Redial. Busy. Heard "our next callers are from Newald and Popple River". Redial. Busy. Redial. The person from Newald starts taking, and when he ended, I called again. It was ringing!

Got the receptionist... told her I was calling regarding the trivia question. She put me on hold. And then Jay came on the phone.. and he did an ad. So I waited. (Actually I had to turn the radio back on to make sure it was Jay talking, as it doesn't sound like him on the phone..LOL)

I'm no longer a Telephone Time virgin!!! WOOHOO! He said, and our next caller is from.... And I said Long Lake. And I said something to the fact that is was a gorgeous sunny day here, and it was great as I had the day off, and that I had the answer to your trivia question. And Jay said. What is the name of the town and state that The Office is located?

Scranton, Pennsylvania.

And then he said I was a winner, and then he started to ask me about him asking her about marrying... and I'm thinking.. OMG, I have no idea what you are talking about..LOL I should, but I don't! Tell you the truth... I started at Season 1, and I'm now in Season 2, disc 3. Ive never watched it on Thursday nights yet. I do own Seasons 1, 2, & 3. So I have a long way to catch up!! I started getting the DVD's thru Netflix, but for a tv series you can only get one dvd at a time, and I just had to have them all... so thanks to eBay... I own the first 3 seasons.. he he

So now I have no clue (I'm thinking its the sish ka bob dinner) as to what I won from Bev's Supper Club, just know I have go on a Monday night, during the month of May. My parents, Brian and I went over a year ago to Bev's, and we have been wanting to go back since.. and this is a great way!!

Yeah me! And thank you to The Office for awarding me a free dinner!!


Shop Hop going on...

Had this email waiting for me when I got home from work. The shop hop is going on.. and I was kinda excited about it.. went up to the quilt shop on Thursday, and put in about 3 hrs (and Brian was along to help). Brian helped making the goodie bags, and I put kits together for the table runner.

Hey Kim, we are having nice reviews from your runner, as of last night we only have one kit left they really liked it and can't see how you could sell the kit so cheaply but were very happy. This may be something you would want to make the pattern and sell here. We can talk about it more. Can you make up more kits if I sell the last one or should I try to make some up? Let me know? Had 19 shop hoppers in on Sat so that was very good. D

Humm... do I see quilt designing in my future.. I think not.. LOL

Come back on May 10th, and I will be offering the table runner pattern for free!!


Good News!

About 3:15p, I thought I would give my sister a call. Dialed the #, I could hear.... "Its Kim"

Dad answered... "Hello"
Me: Hi, so where are you?
Dad: Im in Tomah, at Perkins

Which meant...... He was released from the hospital!! Woohoo!! A stay of 15 days! He needs to go back on May 11th for his May 15th heart surgery. So, good news!


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