
Its June.. that means it been RELEASED!

Way back at the beginning of the year, heck maybe it was last December.. how time has slipped away...

Anyways.. my wonderful friend Vickie (which she also model stitches for the designer), supplied my name to a designer of X's and Oh's. Well I was contacted and ask if I was interested in stitching a model. It wasn't just a model for show, as it was going to be a model that was going to have sentimental value in the end to the designer. I was shown a computer image of the model, and I accepted. I was sent the supplies, and once it arrived. I dug right into stitching.

Well, if you have been a blog reader of mine, you may have seen way back in December, January, February, where I was talking about I had a B.A.P. model I was working on, and it was taking alot of my stitching time?! Well, if you remember this post... Excuse Me... I had finished the model on Feb. 13th, and I had done something groovy with the picture as to not give it away.

Well here is that picture now with out the whited out area.

Today I was checking out the X's & Oh's site, and there, right on the front page was my model turned into a stocking! WOW!! Joanne is the name of the designer, and she used the nutcrackers in her collection to make her own stocking. Well, then she had me stitch it. So I hope she enjoys her stocking for years to come! Here is the link to the website showing the finished model as a stocking. Check it out!!


  1. How awesome, Kim!!!! What a compliment to you & your stitching!

  2. HURRAY! It is super and one that I don't believe I would have tackled ;)

  3. wow! that is wonderful! great stitching :)

  4. Kim, wow! that had to take a lot of time to stitch. Great job.
    Debra in Indiana


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